4: Initium (Initiation)

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A/N for some reason I can't link the YouTube video to a song cuz my phone is shit, but here's the link to this chapters background music, if you arent into metal sorry if it made you go deaf :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sLPesxVAysg enjoy! Okay back to the story *pulls out book and reads*

"So what's your story, sparky?" I ask the red headed girl walking in front of me. She turns and scowls at me.

"The fuck did you just call me?" She snaps, and I gulp in regret. Shit....

"Sparky. Red hair, fiery temper, ringing any bells?" I remark, smirking. She stops in her tracks and laughs, "Oh I see!"

"I don't remember much, Asura. Lots of light and whispering, then suddenly I wake up in a hospital room, IV and everything, I was confused and scared. I practically fought my way out of the hospital, one of the security was an undercover demon that the angels didn't detect when they put my physical body in the hospital. It was the first time I had seen anyone be murdered before. Maybe I had experienced death before my 'rebirth' but I can't remember. I lost my left arm, so I was given an 'eve' replacement," she explains, pausing to pull up her sleeve and show me the omega tattoo on her shoulder, and I gasp as it glows blue and a blade emerges from her wrist.

"What the fu-" I begin, but she shushes me.

"Let me finish. Eventually the archangels found me gave me the 'eve' arm and my training began under the wing of Gabriel. Yes, the right hand angel of god before you say anything.i trained for about 5 earth years, or 500 overworld/underworld years. I became a bodyguard for a few snobby high-class archangels and then did random jobs on earth. I tried living a normal life but sooner or later I'd be traced by the demons and I'd have to flee back to the overworld," she continues," that's pretty much it. I stayed upstairs for about 2 years then I got assigned to you last week."

"Don't you age?" I ask her. She shakes her head and explains how she and other guardians age 1 year for every 20 earth years, and their bodies are much more flexible, durable and adapted to survive in almost every situation.

We continue walking until we reach a small clearing. I breath in deeply, the weight of the gun inside the duffel bag making my shoulder ache. Up ahead I see a small doe, and I hear Sierra's stomach grumble.

"Don't make a fucking sound, or I'll kill you then eat you cause I'm hungry as well," I whisper, pressing the button on the fold-out bow, smirking as the bow pops into the sleek dark grey and silver recurve bow.

"Wait, stop a sec," she says, before pulling out a black string necklace with a dark blue sapphire on the end. She grabs my wrist and ties it around it before smirking.

"Blink and say 'daemon'," she states, and I frown. She gives me a look saying 'do it jackass'.

I pull a arrow onto the strong and notch it Into place, pulling back slowly and breathing in deep.

Here goes nothing...

"Daemon," I whisper, and my vision goes.... Completely fucking crazy.

The doe was red and I could see it's heart, the veins pumping dark grey blood around the body, the swirling colours making me nearly vomit.ignoring the cluster fuck of visual oddities I breath in slowly and focus my shot on the doe's heart.


The arrow flies into the doe's heart, the small cry coming from it making me smile like a sadist. I blink again and my vision returns to normal. I look towards Sierra and see her cutting at the doe with the weird wrist-blade, throwing the skin to the side and tearing chunks out of the muscle and bone, red staining her hands. I stroll over and point to her arm.

"Care to explain the weird wrist blade?" I question, and she looks up at me, making me jump back in fear. She was eating it raw!

"What the fuck?!" I shout, pointing an arrow at her neck. She just giggles and taps the arrow away.

"Guardians can eat anything, raw or cooked, it all tastes like your favourite food anyways," she explains, wiping blood from her mouth but just smearing it all over her chin. Sighing, I grab a piece and munch on it...

And then immediately spit it out.

"What happened to it tasting nice?" I scowl at her.

"You aren't initiated yet dumbass. Your still mortal," she cackles, pulling an apple out of her duffel bag and tossing it to me. Nodding in thanks, I take a bite and smile at the sour taste.

"As for the wrist blade, it's my magnum opus, my pies de resistance.... Basically it's like a physical form of your soul which can be used to attack, defend, or help you use your 'spirit powers'," she explains, switching the wrist-blade into bracer on her arm, then into a crossbow, then back to the blade. I nod in approval.

"When do I get one?" I ask, sounding like a snobby child on Christmas.

"You already have one, your just not strong enough both mentally and physically to handle creating it and wielding it," she says, smirking as my face drops.

"When are we going to train?" I ask.

"You never fucking stop with the questions do you?" She snaps, standing up and slapping me," shut the fuck up for a minute."

Little bitch. I growl and her face falters, her wrist blade popping out again.

"Don't you dare-" she begins, but I shove her backwards into the doe carcass, making her grunt in pain.

"Fuck you too, sparky," I shout, raising a fist. She looks up at me, but we expression of fear turns to amusement.

"Well, that was easy." She says, and I look at my hand.... And it's surrounded in a ball of purple fire.

"AH FUCK!" I scream, shaking my hand. I stop when I hear Sierra laughing.

I take a closer look at the fire, noticing that it's awfully cold and it feels like water swirling around my hand, yet it feels dry at the same time. Confusing... Yet interesting.

"I thought you said I wasn't strong enough..." I state, confusion clear in my tone of voice.

"I was fucking with you. I could tell you main emotion is anger, and if I pissed you off enough it would cause you to harness your anger into a physical form. Your welcome. Now, you'll need training before you can change it at will, so for now it can either be a fireball or a single weapon. Make your choice," she tells me, an I go deep into thought about this choice.

"I think I've made my decision. What do I do?" I ask. She approaches me and holds out her arm, showing me the eve tattoo, then hands me a black stick, much like a stylus, but was ice cold to the touch and felt like a smoke-pencil.

"Mark yourself. Draw a symbol that will represent your weapon but It needs a name. It's your insignia," she says, "Its your soul."

I place the stylus at the back of my hand and begin marking. It stings with a burning sensation but I ignore it and press it deeper into my skin. When I finish, the stylus dissolves into my hand and the mark glows a deep purple, similar to the fireballs colour. Below, the name of the mark flashes momentarily and then fades away.


"Okay, let's see if this works," I say cautiously, taking a few steps back from Sierra.

Taking a few deep breaths, I crouch a little, clap my hands together, and then pull them apart, two long black chains of smoke forming in my hands, wrapping like snakes around my forearms. Sierra looks in puzzlement towards me, and I smirk before swinging them around my head, watching the blades eject at the ends, long purple metal that crackles like embers and glowed like fire. I pull the chains back and they shrink until I grab the blades and spin them around in my fingers. Finally, I throw them into the air an click my fingers, the blades snapping out of existence and the chains melting into my arms, forming tattoos on my skin.

"That...was....awesome!" Sierra shouts, running over to me and giving me a high five,"what in the fuck was that?"

"That....was Initium," I smirk.

"Let the training begin," Sierra says, her wrist blade glowing in what seemed like excitement.

Let's do this!

The Gods Will Fall: Book 1-LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now