6: Advena (newcomer)

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There's a lot of things I thought I'd never do, and meeting a choir of gods highest angels isn't one of them.

I could barely register what was happening when the clearing around us turned from empty to packed in less than a minute, many cyan-blue skinned angels circling myself and Sierra, Chara and Loki behind us. I breath heavily my hands shake, Initium glowing slightly on my left hand. The angels notice it and talk quietly between themselves, things like 'rookie' and 'weak' coming up often.

Eventually they go silent as a bright light comes down from the sky, circling me and floating around the choirs of heavenly beings. Then the light grows bigger and flashes, making me cover my eyes in instinct. When I look back I see a towering glowing blue angel, but their wings were tattered and cut, his forearms bound in red chains. His eyes were kind and warm, the golden shine coming off them mysterious.

"Greetings, Asura. I am Gabriel, The Father's left hand angel," the angel says, his voice thick with authority,"I have gathered my highest choir with me as we need to grant your initiation, before we begin battle with The Underworld."

My throat dry with fear, I just nod in response. Sierra gives me a pat on the back, making me stumble forward.

"So, where is god?" I ask, looking up at his tall 9 foot height.

"He's currently gathering all the guardians, such as Sierra and soon, yourself, To prepare for the skirmishes on earth. During the wars between heaven and hell, they take place above, below, and on earth," he answers, and I nod my head in response, confusion clearly evident on my face.

"So, how is this going to work?" I ask, and without speaking one of the angels steps forward, clad in different uniform to the others and his skin a dark red. You could mistake him for a demon, but I haven't seen one yet.

"Dante here, is going to spar with you. We will test your abilities and powers, and see if you are fit to fight and which legion you shall be put in," Gabriel explains, and I gulp nervously, shaking more. I have to fight a red headed fucking angel?!

Dante steps forward and I get a better look at him. He has snow white hair and was wearing a dark blue trench coat, going below his knees, and his wings jutting out of holes at the back. His blood red skin with glowing blue tattoos gave off the whole 'badass fighter' feel to him. Initium glowed in response and Dante cackles.

"This puny human stands no chance against myself, let alone a demon," Dante spat at me, "he won't last five minutes."

I growl and Initium glows more fiercely, straining my hands. It wants a fight...

I clap my hands and pull them apart, the chains emerging from my palms and wrapping around my arms. Most of the angels watching gasp in response, fear on their faces. Do they know my weapon?

"Initium, a powerful insignia. But one with a dark creation," Gabriel mutters, and I give him a look of confusion. Noticing my concern, he says,

"Initium was used by none other than Morning Star himself, during the first god war," he explains and the blood rushes from my face and I go pale.

Lucifer used this insignia?

"Can we start already, I'm getting bored," Chara chimed in, her pixie-like voice ringing in my ears. I turn towards Dante and bow to him, but my formalities weren't returned as he laughs and then dives at me, his insignia glowing a deep blue and swirling to life, colour running up his arm and engulfing it, solidifying into a heavenly gauntlet double the size of his arm. He swung at me and I ducked under it, rolling away to get some distance between us.

"What the flying fuck is that?!" I shout, dodging another swing and moving further away.

"This is seditio, the gauntlet of rebellion," Dante answers before punching me in the gut and sending me soaring. I land next to my bow and quiver, and I grab them before jumping away and getting my breath back.

He's strong, but he's slow when he swings. Brute force won't cut it, I need speed. I look to Initium glowing brighter, the deep purple flashing into red. Looking to Dante I see him charging at me and I jump to the side, letting him hit a tree.

Whilst he's distracted, I swing my chain-blades above my head like a hurricane before slashing them at dante's back. It pierces his skin and golden blood begins to flow from him. He snarls in anger and starts taking wild swings at me, beating me to a pulp before throwing me to the ground.

I groan in pain and spit blood at him, hitting his shoes. He smirks and kicks me away, my body slamming into a tree and leaving a dent in the wood. Initium glows and darts up to my back wound, healing it and making the pain duller. I stand up and whip my chains at Dante, tying him up and slamming him onto the ground repeatedly, throwing him around like a ragdoll. I drop him and dart over to him throwing punch after punch and watching his head spill more and more golden blood. He throws me off and I dart back, pulling out my bow and letting Initium flow onto the arrow. I pull it back and fire, watching the purple arrow sink into dante's chest and send him flying back. He pulls it out and bows his head in defeat. I walk up to him and use Initium to heal him, before pulling him up off the ground and shaking his hand.

"Good fight," I say, patting him on the back.

"Good shot," he replies, turning to Gabriel and nodding his head.

"He's worth it, initiate him," Dante says bluntly, and Gabriel nods in response. Gabriel rests a hand on my heart and I feel another insignia flow into my body and rest on my other hand. I look at it and see the insignia I had seen on Chara,loki and sierra's right hand. It was a burning cross with wings.

"Congrats, Asura. You are now part of the 'DeadSet Angels Legion'. Fight well," Gabriel instructs me and I turn to my friends, who all have small smiles on their faces. I turn to Chara and smile.

"Game time?" I smirk.

"Game time."

The Gods Will Fall: Book 1-LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now