1: Niger LOCUS EXERCENDI (The Black Parade)

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A/N just before the journey begins I wanna make a few things clear.
1. This book may contain scenes of gore violence, a hell of a lot of strong language (cover your ears little kids) and maybe sexual scenes (if my mind can come up with a scene that dirty, which it can ;)
2. I came up with the concept for this book all by myself, however some ideas in it may be similar to other authors or films, so just a disclaimer there.

3. The guy in the media is Nicholas Matthews the lead singer of get scared, but I wanted to use him to play the main character :)

4. All the chapter names are in Latin and the translations are in the brackets, your welcome.

Okay let the horror begin!

"We are here to remember the life of Ashley-May Kelley, who sadly passed away on January 17th 2023," the priest begins the memorial ceremony, looking down on the crowd of black-clad relatives and friends, looking like a sea of ink. The ink of death I think to myself, looking up at the open coffin of my sweet baby-girl Ashley, her small fragile body wrapped in her favourite clothes, black and red roses decorating her casket.

Why did you have to take her from me? I look up at the cathedral rafters and scowl at the building in general, silently cursing the place. I've never been a man of religion and as much as I didn't want to I hated the thought of my daughter being buried in a religious place whereas I'll be dumped in a shared site along with a couple of other atheists.

Ashley never would have wanted us to remember her in such a morbid way, she'd want us to be happy. I look around and see my mother and father next to me, tissues at hand and tearful eyes. They loved Ashley, always commenting on her cute little outfits and the resemblance of myself and her. Best grandparents ever.

"And now, the father of the deceased would like to say a few words."

Well, here it goes buddy. Break a leg and all that. I step up to the coffin and kiss my knuckles, something Ashley would always do whenever she saw me stressed about work or crying over stupid things. I face the sea of people and before I know it I'm overrun with a sense of hopelessness.

"There's a million things I could say about ash. She was a sweet little girl, my little angel. She always knew what to say and what to do to make others laugh or smile, she always saw the optimistic side of things and never once gave up when others had. If I had to describe her in one word, it would be determined" my voice breaks as I tear slips down my face.

"I never wanted to outlive her. It's haunts me knowing she'll never have another birthday, never drive a car, go to college, fall in love. She was taken too soon... But I promise to live my life to the best I can for her. I'll give her the life she always deserved." I breath shakily as I kneel down next to the coffin and hold Ashley's hand one last time, her skin cold and pale. Her curly black hair rests either side of her chubby, bright face, her facial features strikingly similar to mine.

'Go on Ashley, join the black parade and march till I come and join you' i whisper, kissing her forehead and stepping down to my seat again.

I love you Ashley...

A/N a pretty depressing first chapter but I just wanted to give a little exposition to the rest of the story. Please vote and comment if you liked it and I'll be sure to update soon. Thanks for reading- Kane

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