7: Legatio (Mission)

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3 weeks later....

The smell of demon blood is indescribable, a mix of rotting corpses and what you'd imagine festering shit smells like.

I've endured that smell hundreds of times, with every henchman of satan I've slain, and I'm still not used to it...

"Asura, focus," Chara chimes in, breaking me from my thoughts. I look up and see our transport has stopped, the small Chevy parked in a dingy dark alley. I pass our driver some drachmas (Greek currency, the over-world's money) and step out of the car, pulling the collar of my coat up and donning my hood. Initium burns in excitement as it knows our situation.

Another standard cat and mouse game, we break into a demon hideout, kill the regulars and interrogate the main boss, and gather information.

"When are we going to do something other than this simple crap?" I moan, pulling out my small knuckle blade (a small dagger that slips onto your fingers like brass knuckles, good for taking demons out quickly) and my blood-gun, a small anarchic looking pistol, scrawled ancient markings along the barrel, the metal a dark hue of grey.

I had a slight obsession with this thing....

We come to a small door at the end of the alley, and I use 'daemon vision' and see demonic markings around the door. I nod to Chara confirming that we were at the right place, and she pulls out her dual pistols and her eyes glint with a raging fire of excitement. Before I signal for her to enter, she jumps through the door and starts firing. I shake my head and dive in after her, firing at the two demons behind the overturned tables.

This time, the things we were hunting set up shop in an abandoned pool and snooker building, and there were a few more than we were used to.

I ducked under a table to avoid being shot, and I use Daemon again to see where the bastards were hiding. I could see Chara going toe to toe with a huge muscular demon (a/n demons are basically regular humans but with pulsing red veins and black eyes, bloody smoke coming off them) and I laughed internally as she drops him easily. I come out of cover and put a bullet inbetween the eyes of one of the scrawnier ones and I gut another who dives at me, flipping it onto the ground and shoving my spiked boot onto it's fucked up face.

Using daemon I see the boss, running out through a back door and I nod to Chara.

"I got him, you take care of these cunts," I shout, before dashing off after the target. As I run faster a purple smoke surrounds my legs as I use a new power Initium channeled. With a burst of speed I dashed forward and started to give chase.

This fucker was fast and agile, diving and jumping over obstacles and creating barriers and traps with blood magic to throw me off, but I avoided them with ease. Despite this, he was escaping.... Time for drastic measures.

"Cornibus!" I scream, and the smoke at my legs flows to my back and changes into smoky burning wings, lifting me off the ground and sending me barrelling towards the target. I crash into him and we both tumble to the ground. I get up and pin the demon, my knuckle blades burrowing deep into his pulsating stomach with every bloody punch. When the blood starts to ooze that pungent smell fills my lungs, and I choke but continue punching it until it shakes with pain and slumps in defeat. I spit at it's face and growl with authority.

"Speak, you disgusting piece of shit. What do you know about lucifer's plans?" I scream at the beast, but it just laughs and coughs blood into my face. I squint and growls, smacking it across the face. It opens it's mouth and begins to speak, it's words haunting me,

'You are blinded...with rage. What did our kind do to you personally, human? We didn't take from you, we didn't hurt you. You are being force-fed words that you yourself don't believe, but follow without reason because of your desolate hope...weak, naive, human.... Who is the true enemy here? If you kill Lucifer, who will take his place? Us...or....Them?'

When the being shudders and dies, i lean back and collapse onto the ground, the creatures words embedded into my mind.

Us or them? What does it mean?

Chara strolls up, wiping demon blood from her face, gazing at me before putting bullet after bullet into the dead creatures face, making it unrecognisable.

"What did it tell you?" She asks.

"Nothing useful, stuff we already know," I answered blankly. I turn on my earpiece and Sierra's voice comes through.

"Evac, Asura?" She asks and I reply coldy,

"Get us out of here, and when we get back I need to talk to you," I spit.

I need some fucking answers... And a beer....

The Gods Will Fall: Book 1-LuciferWhere stories live. Discover now