5: Praelium (Battle)

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A/N just before this one starts, just wante to say thanks for the reads and everything it means a lot. I'll upload much more often from now I promise. The song is awesome so I thought I'd put it there. :)

"Okay, let's run through those disarms again, there's a few I'm still struggling with," I pant, wiping sweat from my brow, a puzzled look on my face as I see Sierra looking pumped and ready to take on hell, not the slightest hint of tiredness on her face. I swear she has the energy of 1000 rockstars in her, fucking hell!

We spar and disarm each other for a few more minutes until I feel comfortable with the moves, removing the blades and guns from her hands with ease. She claps in approval and I giggle in response.

"Okay, take a break, and go to the lake and wash off, you smell like a dead demon's asscrack!" She jokes, patting my back and wandering over to the tent.

Smirking, I grab a towel and sprint to the nearby lake, a few minutes from the little clearing/ training area we were in. I take a quick dip in the freezing water, washing out my hair until the greasy sweat feeling is completely gone.

Whilst washing I noticed that the little pendant that Sierra gave me was still wrapped around my wrist, making me think about the weird ass drug trip that came from it.

"Daemon," I whisper, and my vision turns from regular to blood red and black, the swirling auras of living creatures all around me. I could see every single animals blood pumping through their veins, their small hearts beating faster as they felt my eyes staring into their souls. I look back in the direction of the camp and see
Sierra 's heart beating. She's ok....

I get out of the frosty water, shaking my head like a dog, the droplets flying everywhere. I dry off and get changed into my black skinnies and combats, sliding my hunting jacket on, letting it drape at my knees.

I go back into daemon vision and look in sierra's direction, her heart pumping still. Then I noticed....

There were other humans near her, their hearts beating fast and hard.

Without thinking, I sprint through the woods in their direction, tripping over roots and logs, scrambling towards them. I growl and my symbol Initium starts to glow a deep purple.

Whilst running I clap my hands and pull then apart, my chain-blades forming and wrapping round my forearms. Moments later I burst into the clearing and see the two figures near Sierra, and without thinking I dived at the smaller one, but before I could attack, they stepped out of the way and I tumbled onto the ground.

Grunting in anger, I extended the blades and swung them at the attackers, but once again they just stepped aside like it was child's play.

"Asura, cut it out. I can't be assed for your shenanigans," Sierra says, shaking her head in disapproval. I cock my head in confusion, and she just cackles.

The 'attackers' lower their hoods and I'm met with a short dark-skinned girl and a tall, cyan-blue skinned man, complete with small bumps on his forehead, and grey wings on his back which spanned out longer than both my arms put together!

"Well isn't this guy a charmer? You sure know how to pick them, dontcha?" The shorter one chirps, her squeaky voice pleasant but sarcastic. The taller angel guy....thing simply grunts in annoyance. I blush meekly at the newcomers before giving a small wave.

Sierra ruffles my hair," relax, Asura, these are friends. Meet Loki and Chara, my mentors." The duo wave in response.

"Mentors? Chara looks half your age!" I say, and the small girl giggles.

"I'm twenty thousand years old sweetie, try to keep up," Chara responds timidly, her voice like wind chimes.

"I apologise if Chara seems a bit 'upfront' she just simply doesn't know her place," Loki says in a gruff but kind voice, Chara growling in response to his words.

"Watch your cheek, Loki or I won't play nice," she snaps at him, instantly shutting him up. I frown at this and Sierra simply just states, "they are in a dominant and submissive relationship, don't ask."

Well aren't these people going to be an interesting experience.

"So, why are you guys here? We weren't expecting you..." Sierra starts, but stops and acts like she's just been slapped.

"No... Don't tell me," she stutters, shock clearly on her face.


"How could this happen?"

"What, what is it?" I ask, confused as all fuck.

"She needs to return to the overworld, hell is about to launch an attack," Loki explains, and my breath hitches.

"It's game time, initiate," Chara giggles.

Oh this is going to be fun...

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