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Selena's POV

We were on our way to the appointment. Mom, dad, Sam, Clair, and I

"Oh my, I can't wait," my mom says all giddy. Sam and Clair start to sing along to the radio.

"You said, you can't live without me!" We scream the chores to dead.

My dad lowers the radio. "Geez girls. My ear drums," he said laughing.

"Oh, sorry," my sister giggles.

"Sure what she said," Clair says smiling as big as me.

"We're here!" Dad screams.

"Look whose talkin," Sam said as she tries to keep a straight face but ends up smiling with Clair and I laughing in the back.

"Hardy HarHar," dad replies smiling.

We get out the car and go into the hospital. "God it smells like medicine in here!" Clair says sniffing around.

"No shit Sherlock," I retort gaining a glare my way.

We walk into the elevator. And go up. You can see the excitement in all our faces. My mom was quiet, as though something was bugging her but she was smiling it away.

"I wonder if it will be Twins. One boy one girl. Or both boys. Oh my god, what if they're both girls! Oh, my, gosh! What if it's triplets? All girls? All boys? Two boys? One girl? Two girls? One boy? What if i-" I cut Samantha off from her blabbing.

"Sam, you're blabbing," I say and she shuts her mouth.

Soon we are in the doctors office and we all smile as we wait for the news.

"Well Mrs. Adam seems to be that you and your baby are doing just fine. I do advise you to drink a lot of water. It's helping the baby grow," the doctor says smiling.

"As for you Mr. Adam you've got a pregnant wife on your hands. Watch out," he says shifting his gaze to my dad.

We all laugh at that and leave home. To say we were all happy is an understatement.

"I CANT EVEN WAIT!!!!" Sam screeches with so much joy.

"Geez lady! Calm down!" Clair retorts. I nod my head totally agreeing with her.

Stephanie's POV (Selena's mom)

I'm so blessed, I'm pregnant. As much as I want a boy, I have a feeling it's going to me a little girl. Oh, my little girl.

I smile as I get up to go wake up my girls for school. I walk down the hall to where Selena's room is and knock before entering.

"SiSi, honey. Get up. You've got school," I say as I shake her slightly.

"Be down in 15," she says as she opens her eyes.

Satisfied with her answer I move to the room across the hall.

'SAMANTHA' was printer in big letters on the door. I smile at the memory of making it. I knock on the door and enter.

"Sammy, baby. Get up if you want a ride for you dad. He can't be late. You and I both know that," I sit down on the bed playing with her hair.

"Okay mom, I'm up!" She says as she sits up.

I smile and hug her before I go down to make breakfast.

After Selena and Samantha go to school and her husband goes to work.

I sit in the living room watching TV as I rub circles around my stomach.

I was watching the news. The reporter was talking about a young mom who died by a drunk driver when she was walking to her appointment. Baby survived, she didn't.

Poor little thing. Oh how I can't imagine what would happen if I died.

It's then I realize that there is a possibility for me to die.

I can die.

Now, tomorrow, in a week, month, a couple months?

Will. I'm going to write my will.

I get up and go to my husbands home office. I go to his writing desk and take a white sheet of paper and an ink pen.

Dear Family,

I'm writing this 6 months before your baby sister/brother is born. If anything happens to me and the baby survives. I'd like to name it. If it is a girl. Sophie Justice Adam. If it is a boy. Sebastian Justice Adam. If you do not like the names then you may choose, Sage Justice Adam, for my little girl. Seth Justice Adam, for my little boy.

I do not know if I will be the only one gone. Or if someone leaves wth me. How ever I'd like you to stay a family. I understand it will be hard. But for my sake, try.

Selena, my beautiful girl. I want you to take my role as a mother. I want you to watch your little sisters and/or brother. I'd like you to make sure they all get into an amazing college. I want them to see as mom. When ever you need help. Or you need to talk to someone. Remember I'm here, always.
Love you, xx

Samantha, my precious baby. I'm going to need you  to listen to you sister. I want you to call her mom. Respect her as you respected me. Listen to her as you listen to me. I want you to be there for you sister. It will be hard for her to take many responsibilities.I want you to stay strong. Always be your cheerful self. Be HappySamantha.Talk to me. I'm here, Always.
I love you, xx

Christopher, Honey. I know it will take a toll on you the most. And I want you to be there for our girls. Watch them as they grow. Watch them and be proud. And I want you to move on. Be happy. Find someone. Love her like you loved me. And cherish her like you cherish me. Watch over her and love her. Love our girls. And love our baby. You need to be the strongest out of them all. In counting on you. You need to be there for them. I know you company is in crisis right now. But your daughters and baby. Are more important. A lot more important. And I want you to always put them first. Now and always. I'm watching from afar. I'm right above watching you. Watching over you, our girls and our baby.
Love you so so much. Now and always. xxx

Hi, sweetheart. How are you today? I hope you're all grownup and happy. Mommy loves you very much. Can't say much, but be good love. I'm always here, forever and alway. xxxx

All my money goes to my kids. All my clothes, All my items. All my jewels. Everything goes to my kids.

I'm watching you all.

With much love.
Stephanie x

After writing that all I had tears in my eyes thinking of what could happen.


Once again, please, bare with me! I don't know how to write the beginnings of every single book I've written! I know it's complete trash but, just wait, I promise, a few more chapters and the real good part is coming.

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