Chapter2️⃣4️⃣ Points and Salad

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Extremely sorry for not updating! School had me😩😭 but I'm back and I'm trying to get as many updates in before exams start!
Love you bubbies😋❤️

Selena's POV

I was walking around my office debating on weather I should go to Eric's Hotel with the kids or ignore them and stay here.

I can go and see him.

I can stay and fear him.

I can go and support the school.

I can stay and be the scared parent.

I can go and show them my food is better.

I can stay and show them his foods better.

That's it! I'm going! I ran out and straight to the elevator.

"Where you going?" Bree asked.

"Eric's company!"

"Have fun love! And I don't think they need sex in his office!" She yelled.

"Bye Bree," I smiled.

At the office.

I walked in and smiled at all the staff. Even the women looking at me with glares.

Over in the corner I see Ella so, I walk over.


"Mum!" She runs to me and hugs me.

I kiss her head lightly and let go. "Where is everyone?" I ask.

"In the ball room," she replied.

She holds my hand and leads me to the ball room. "Why aren't you there?" I ask.

"I was waiting for dad. And I was hoping you'd come. Luckily you did," she smiles and kisses my cheek.

We walk into the ball room and I greet the kids and the teachers. Soon Eric comes in.

"Selena! Ella!" He exclaims coming up to us.

"Dad!" Ella exclaimed running to him.

He smiles and opens his arms. She jumps right into them and he spins her around.

1 point for Eric.

He comes up to me and hugs me. "I missed you Selena," he kisses my head smiling.

I force the smile onto my face and reply, "missed you too."

(A/N I REALLY NEED TO PEE! Just thought I would let you know of my difficulties!*~*)

"So cute!" One of Ella's teachers says.

I turn and see that it isn't the same teacher as yesterday. This one seems like a bitch.

"Thank you," I smile but her eyes are on Eric.

Okay then, "Eric? What have you planned for them?" I ask.

"Oh yes! Eric! What have you planned for us?" The teacher asks getting everyone's attention.

Eric holds me tighter and smiles. "First you guys will be given s tour. Then are to eat. And after eating watch a movie."

"Oh and it's Mr. Leon to you," ouch.

2 points for Eric.

"Oh yes! Sorry!" Her cheeks turn bright red.

"Mum, dad, meet Ms.Cali," Ella says Saving her dumbass of a teacher.

"So we've met," I murmur.

"Well! Let the day begin!"

Now at home it's 7 o clock and they are about to have dinner.

I walk into the kitchen and see all my babies helping Maya cook.

"Ella dear, can you pass me the large spoon behind you?" Maya asks.

"Sure," she hands the spoon to Sophie and Soph runs to Maya.

She hands Maya the spoon with a smile. "Thank you Sophie."

"Youss Belgom!" She smiles.

Mars and Merc are helping Miley set the table.

"What can I help with?" I ask making my presence known.

"You can help me and Soph make salad!" Ella smiles.

"Walking over to them I realize Soph is actually focused on the cupboard.

I lift her up and she smiles. "Tanks!"

After we finish making the food and seeing everything we are all seated.

Sophie, Mercury, Marcus, Ella, Miley, Maya, and I. Of Course there is an extra plate for Eric even though he doesn't come.

Just as we are about to begin eating Eric enters the room.

"So what's for dinner?" He asks smiling as he sits next to Sophie.

"SLADA!" Sophie says referring to the salad.

"WITH SPAGHETTI!" Merc continues.

"AND MEAT BALLS!" Mars finishes off.

"Why are you here?" Ella asks whipping smiles off the little ones.

"Because I'm your dad and I  have the right to eat with you guys. And I'm sorry I haven't been around lately. I really am. And I'll try to make it up to you. All of you."

"Okay," Ella replies shortly.

"Well let's eat!" Maya says trying to lighten the mood.

We all dig in and I moan in delight.

Not seconds later moans of appreciation and delight fill the room. "MAYA! This is fantastic!"

"Thank you Eric. If I didn't get help from superheroes it wouldn't have tasted good!" Maya says making the kids giggle.

"Oh you haven't tried her lasagna!" Ella butts in.

"Yeah it's killer," Miley adds.

Silently I watch as they all convers. Smiling at the sight of my kids smiling and laughing with their dad.

"So can we mum?" Merc asks.

"Hmm? What?" I ask confused.

"Dad said he'll take us to the fair on Friday! But only if you say yes. So can we?"! Mars explains.

I nod my head at their hopeful faces. "I don't see why not."

"Tanks!" Soph screams.

"Welcome and indoor voices," I wink at her.

"Selena? Will you please come with us?"

Hesitantly I nod. "Great! Family outing!" Eric says.

"You guys will have so much fun!" Miley says smiling.

"What do you mean you guys ? You and Maya are coming too! You guys are FAMILY!"

"Are you sure?" Maya asks.

"Positive," Eric replies. "You were there for my family when I wasn't. That's what family do."

"Thank you dad," Ella says.

Confusion takes over Eric's face along with mine.

"Your welcome. But for what?" He asks.

"Because I now feel like your actually my dad. Not some stranger living in our house. For acting like a father. For eating dinner with us. For making plans with us. For asking about our  day. For making us feel like complete family."

"I'm sorry. I know I haven't been there and I'll try my best to become better. I'm trying. And I'm sorry again for not being there."

3 points for Eric.


Sooooo? How was it? I know it's not the best but it's all I can do for now. ;)

I'll try to update tomorrow and if not tomorrow the day after.

Lots of love for my bubbies 😋❤️

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