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Selena's POV

"She looks so... D-dead," Samantha says as she looks at my mom.

"It's been 4 months! Why isn't she waking up!?!" Clair angrily asks.

"Why?" I ask.

"Why?" She repeats.

"Well, let's see, hmm. Maybe, just maybe, it's because s drunk driver hit her? Mind you, it hit not only her, but Samantha too. Possibly because she was also pregnant? And that the driver hit her side? Could be the fact she was two weeks away from her delivery? I'm not sure, there are lots of reason."

I look her dead in the eye and force a smile. "Now, I know we're all sick of sleeping in this stupid hospital and constantly being around this terrible place but you have an option. I'm giving this to you, right now. Leave, or put up with it and stay. Take your pick," I spit at her.

"Selena, I'm sorry," she says shamefully.

"I-I know," I say as I pull her into a hug.

"I really am. I just I-I miss her. A-and I k-know it's harder f-for you. But p-please," she trails off.

Beep. Beep. Beep.


"What's happening?" Sam asks as we all stand up.

"DOCTOR! NURSE! DAD! SOMEONE! HELP!" I scream running out. Hurriedly a nurse comes in. A doctor following.

I rush to call me dad.

"Dad. Come. Now. Mom. She's dying!" I scream.

"On my way!" He replies ending the call.

Samantha and Clair rush out the room. Clair holding Sophie

Sam runs into my arms and I hold her tight. "Please don't let mom die. Please," she whispers.

We cry for a while waiting for the doctors to come out. My dad rushes in.

"Dad!" Samantha screams as she flings her self onto him.

He wraps his arms around her and comes to sit beside me.

He kisses my head and Sophie's checks. He sets Sam on his lap and puts a hand around my shoulders. Clair gives me Sophie and I hold her close to me.

"Oh god please. Don't take her away from us. Please! We need her," my dad says as tears form in his eyes.

I start to sob. So Clair takes Sophie. I hug my dad and Sam as we all cry.

"Why!?" I say as we slowly stop crying.

Waiting a little longer the doctor comes out. Making us stand. Doesn't look to happy and that pains me.

"Please take a seat," he says. Dad nods and sits as I keep my standing position. "She was in a lot of pain as she was giving birth to Sophie. She lost more blood than ever. This made it a lot harder for her. It only made it worse that she didn't tell you she has a tumor in her brain. We could have saved her if we had this piece of information from the beginning. I'm sorry, we lost her."

With that I drop to the floor. I let out the loudest scream I could master. I pulled on my hair as I begun to cry more.

I pulled at my hair furiously. I screamed and screamed. Samantha was crying silently in the corner. My dad... He was crying while shooting daggers at Sophie.

As I let this piece of information sink, I screamed again. Not wanting to take it anymore I punch the wall. I scream, and scream again. The blood trickles down my knuckles as the nurse rushes over to me.

"Please leave me alone!" I yell.

"I will, I will, sweetheart. Just please let me wrap your hand. Please," the old woman says.

"O-okay," I say not wanting to give the old woman a headache. 

She wraps my hand and pulls me into a hug.

"Honey, please listen to me. Do not do anything to yourself! It won't do you any good. It will only hurt you more. And it will hurt the people around you. Okay?" She asks rubbing my back. Just like mom did.

"Selena. May I speak to you?" My father asks in his deep deep tone.

"Okay I'll be off. If you need anything dear. I'm here," she says.

I pull her back as she was about to go. "No. I want you here. What is it dad?" I murmur.

"Well... There is no easy way to say this," he says pained look crosses his eyes.

"What?" I ask.

"I don't want Sophie! I will be giving her up for adoption. However, I want you and Samantha," he says coldly. The nurse tenses up.

"No! I will not leave Sophie! I'm not leaving her! You leave her! I don't give two shits! I'm not leaving her! I'll adopt her! I just need money," I say.

"Very well then. I will give you money, a house, I'll also assign a maid to work for you, snd a cook. But one thing blocking your way," he says.

"What?" I bitterly retort.

"Your 16," he says.

"Oh big fucking deal! I'll keep her in a care home for 2 years. I'll go visit her everyday! And I'll buy her clothes and everything!" I say in anger.

"As you wish. I'll send s check of 1million each month. If you need more you may call. I ask to see you once in a while. And I'll let your sister see anytime you or her want. I just do not want to see Sophie as she is the cause of your mothers death!"

"She," I breath. "Is," calm down. "Not," don't make a scene. "The," stay strong. "Cause," for mom, "of," and Sam, "mom's" and Sophie,"death!" I scream, unwilling to hold it in.

"Think what you want. Where will you stay?" He asks ignoring me.

"She can stay with me!" The nurse says.

"And who might you be?" My dad asks.

"I'm Arabella. I have a spare room in my apartment. She may live with me and my husband. We have our son. But he is not here very often. He lives with his wife and kids. But that's beside the point. She may stay with us until she is legally able to get her own apartment!" Arabella says.

"Okay, I will be paying your rent. And I'll still send you the money Selena. I'll have someone pack everything from the house. You can leave today," he says.

"We can pay for ourselves!" Arabella yells, seeming mildly offended.

"But my daughter will be under your roof. So I will be paying. Selena, go say bye to Sophie, I'll have someone drop her off at the care home," my dad says walking off.

As soon as he's out of site I burst into tears.

Why? What did Sophie ever do? I cry and Arabella holds me tight.

"How could he be so rude?" I ask, tears running freely, as they please.

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