Chapter 15 - Stay Perfect

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A/N: Just so you guys know, I changed the rating on this book to "mature," because this chapter (and possible future chapters), contain scenes of a sexual nature. I will place a warning note before and after the scene, so that you may skip over it if you'd like. I don't know why, I usually don't write smut, but I felt like it just might add to this story a bit. Those of you who do read it, I hope it's not too horribly written, lol.

Also, I want to say again that I'm sorry for the delay in updates. I start student teaching tomorrow, so I'm going to try to update at least once a week, twice if I can. Thank you for being patient, I love each and every one of my readers! Hope you all enjoy!!

         The next day, I woke up to an empty bed. I knew I probably wasn't completely forgiven, but the fact that she had let me hold her at all last night was probably a good sign. I rolled out of bed with a groan and slowly made my way downstairs. To my surprise, I was the only one in the house. I had no idea where she could have been, until I realized what time it was. It was just past noon, and I remembered that she had been planning on going shopping with Meagan today. I was a little upset that she hadn't at least left me a note, but nevertheless, I understood that she was probably still a little mad at me. And she had a right to be.

So, after I made myself some tea, I set to work preparing for her return home. I went out to the store and bought two dozen red roses, and a bunch of tall, white candles. By the time I got home, it was almost two in the afternoon, and I was starting to worry that I wouldn't be ready in time. I knew exactly what I wanted to do, however, so I set to work getting ready anyways. If my plan failed, then it failed. However, as I started pulling the petals off of the roses and scattering them on the floor, I started to think about what I wanted to happen tonight.

Pete had ben pestering me about this for months now, and it was getting to the point where I couldn't think of a reason why I wanted to wait any longer. I love Aria, and she loves me. I wanted more than anything to show her how much I love her, especially after I acted so horribly last night to her. I want to make love to her, if she'll let me, and I was going to do everything I could to make tonight special.

I threw down rose petals in a trail through the living room, up the stairs, and ending in our bedroom. I saved one flower, then tossed the petals I had left over onto the freshly made bed, and went back downstairs to begin setting up candles. I placed them all over, following the trail of rose petals. I placed a few by the door, some on the bookshelves in the living room, and a few leading up the stairs. I ended in the bedroom, placing three on each bedside table, and a few on the shelf that ran over the headboard of the bed. I shut off all the lights in the house, unsure of when she would come home, and went downstairs to wait.

I stood by the window, pacing nervously as the clock ticked on. By around five thirty, I started to get worried about where she could be and decided to text Meagan. She told me that they had stopped at her place for coffee, and Aria would be home soon. Given the extra time I had to wait, I made a last minute decision to cook her dinner first. I ran to the kitchen and threw a pot of water onto the stove to boil, frantically searching our pantry for something easy that I could make for us in just a short amount of time. I found a box of spaghetti and tossed its contents into the boiling water, ignoring the fact that I was beginning to sweat with nerves and the heat of standing over the stove.

I finished dinner in record time, placing two full plates of spaghetti on the kitchen table just as I heard Meagan's car pulling into the driveway. I raced into the living room, a lighter in my hand, and frantically lit the candles I had scattered around the house. I lit all the ones downstairs and ran back to the front door, waiting patiently as Meagan's headlights illuminated the house as she pulled out of the driveway. I heard Aria's key turning in the lock, and then the door opened, revealing the most beautiful woman in the world, and my heart thundered at the thought of what might happen tonight.

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