Chapter 22 - Sing it For the Deaf

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A/N: Just a quick note, I want to point out that this story in no way reflects the actual timeline of the Save Rock and Roll tour, or album release, or any of that. Just so you guys know, the dates and times that I mention throughout this story are completely made up in order to fit the timeline of Patrick and Aria's relationship. Now, back to your regularly scheduled fanfic. <3  

          Over the course of the next few weeks, I was on the phone constantly with Aria's doctor from back home, in Chicago. We made plans for her to fly to wherever we were for Aria's checkups, and when the time came, she would fly out to deliver the baby as well. I was paying for everything, which annoyed Aria to no end, but she couldn't stop me. Hell, the rest of the band even offered to pitch in, but I had to tell them no. I wasn't going to make them pay for a thing; It was bad enough that I was making them share the bus with a pregnant woman as well as her doctor, on occasion.

Today just so happened to be one of those days. Aria's gynecologist, Dr. Faye Turner, had just landed at the Buffalo Niagara International airport, and I was standing at the gate waiting to pick her up. It was eight in the morning, and I was certain that I looked as awful as I felt. I was still in pajama pants, not really caring if anyone saw me out this early, but I had managed to throw on a button-down red flannel and a dark gray fedora, which covered up my bedhead. The moment I saw Dr. Turner walking through the gate, I waved her over and welcomed her with a hug.

"Mr. Stump!" She gushed, "It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Likewise, Dr. Turner," I smiled. I had only ever talked to her over the phone or in skype calls. "And please, call me Patrick," I told her, gesturing with my arm to lead her out of the airport. She followed along beside me, refusing to let me carry her bag for her, and I was secretly thankful for it as I passed a tired hand over my eyes. I kept my head down as we walked to the parking lot, hoping my hat would hide me from any random fans or paparazzi. When we finally made it to the Honda Civic I had rented for the day, I opened the trunk for her to throw her things into and then held open the passenger side door for her.

When I climbed into the driver's side and started the car, Dr. Turner glanced at me with a smile before looking out the window. "I've never been to Buffalo before," she mused, looking around as I pulled out of the parking lot. "I'm sure you've been here a few times now?"

"A few," I chuckled, "Still miss Chicago, though."

"I can imagine. So how has she been?"

"Aria?" I asked, shrugging, "Same as always. She's been happier about the baby lately. I think she's actually looking forward to it now. Her appetites been the same and everything, and she isn't showing yet. Is that normal?"

"Perfectly normal, Patrick," Dr. Turner said, "She's only a month along. You may not notice a difference for another three months, more or less, depending on the baby."

"And that's healthy?" I asked nervously.


After that, there was an awkward silence in the car. I didn't mind it, because I was too busy thinking about Aria and what she would look like once she did begin to show. When I finally pulled up behind the tour bus, I had a permanent smile on my face. I got out of the car and grabbed Dr. Turner's bags from the trunk before she could stop me, then led her onto the bus. I found Pete sitting at the table, a bowl of cereal in front of him, and Joe was sitting on the couch with a book and a cup of coffee in his hands. They both looked up when I walked in, and tiredly smiled at the woman behind me. "Guys," I stated, putting the bags down on the other side of the couch, "This is Aria's doctor, Dr. Turner."

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