Chapter 27 - My Love is a Weapon

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As I walked up the four steps to the front door, my heart was hammering in my chest. It was a warm day in Chicago, warmer than most, and I was dressed in a light blue button down, with short sleeves, a pair of khaki shorts, and a light gray fedora. I was wearing my glasses, hoping they made me look a little more mature and classy, and in my hand, I held a small bouquet of pink roses. I reached forward and rang the doorbell, waiting patiently with the roses behind my back. I could hear footsteps from within the house before the door was actually opened, and the anticipation only made my heart beat faster.

            The door finally swung open, revealing Susan Rose, Aria's mother. She beamed the second she saw me, and quickly pulled me into a hug. "Patrick! It's so nice to see you!" She gushed, nearly squeezing the life out of me.

            "It's great to see you too, Susan," I chuckled, kissing her cheek affectionately as I pulled away. "These are for you," I added, holding the flowers out in front of me. She gasped and covered her mouth with one hand as I presented them to her, taking them with her other hand and holding them up to her nose. She inhaled deeply, then looked at me with a sweet smile.

            "Patrick," she sighed, "You are just the sweetest. Come on inside." She led me into the house, bustling her way into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase with water. I smiled as I watched her, glad I had made her so happy. "My husband has been waiting for you, dear," she told me over her shoulder, "He's in the living room watching TV. Feel free to join him, and I'll make everyone some tea. Do you like tea? Or would you prefer coffee?"

            I chuckled again at how kind she was. "Tea is perfect, Susan," I said. She beamed at me, then turned to start fill a teapot with water. I left her then, and made my way to the living room, where I could hear the TV playing a football game. I found Mr. Rose sitting in the chair directly across from it, his eyes glues to the screen and a beer bottle to his lips. When he saw me, he glanced up and smiled kindly, though it didn't make him any less intimidating.

            He set his bottle down on the end table, and stood up, holding out his hand for me to shake. "Patrick," he boomed, in that loud voice of his, "It's good to see you."

            I took his hand firmly and shook it the way I would if he were a new label I was auditioning for. He seemed pleased with my handshake. "It's great to see you too, sir," I told him, moving towards the couch as he gestured to it for me to have a seat. He sat back down in his chair and stared at me, as though he were studying me.

            "I thought you were on tour?" He asked, "Aria told me she was going away with you for almost a year."

            "We were," I confirmed, "We just came home for a couple weeks, for a short break. We're leaving again this Saturday." I neglected to tell him the exact reasoning for the break, as I knew Aria wanted to wait until she was ready to tell her parents about it.

            He merely nodded, glancing back at the television, and then he frowned when he looked at me again. "Where is my daughter?" He asked, "I assumed she would be with you today."

            "Oh, no, she's out with Meagan. Girls day out, you know?"

            "I see," he murmured, eyeing me a little more curiously. "So what are you doing here?"

            "I, um...I wanted to ask you something, sir," I stuttered, my hands suddenly feeling sweaty and my heartbeat picking up the pace again.

            His eyes narrowed again. "Does Aria know you're here, Patrick?" I shook my head quickly. She had no idea. "Are you going to ask me what I think you're going to ask me?"

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