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|| march ||

I hadn't seen Matthew in a few weeks. I don't think he was avoiding me, and if he was I would wonder why.

That day we ditched and we kissed, I felt the remembrance of my last boyfriends lips. I was over him, he was my past.

The art room had been my escape when Cameron (a/n yes, my friends. mr. dallas) and I had broken up. It was messy, and painful. But the past was the past. And I was long over him

I brushed the dried out stick across the white canvas, pulling the pure purple paint across. I started this vivid painting the day after Matt dropped me at home.

It was going to be a long period of time drawing/ painting. I had done a sketch explaining every detail I wanted on this. This one was special, and every stroke had too look perfect. Adding Carnival colors, each stroke stood out, looking professional.

I suddenly felt a breeze and put the paint brush down to reach for my shawl. I pulled my hair out of the collar and continued painting. My phone buzzed, and I sighed.

mom: can you be excused early, please.

What? I slumped in my chair.

me: of course but you need to call.

The texting bubble appeared and her answer was displayed on my phone screen.

mom: already done. just come home. dads here and not very happy.

Shit. I stood my painting in the back, where nobody could see it and flew out of the room. My dad could get physical when he got enraged. I pushed people out of my way. Sprinting to my locker.

I fumbled around grabbing my home keys, books, and homework I needed and ran out of the school. "Dammit," I said to myself as I saw Matt approach me.

"Hey, Evangeline-" he still had his football gear on, "I'd love to talk but I'm in a hurry." And with that I left him on the corner bewildered and confused as of why I was running away.

My house was close by, no need of a car, so I hurried home passing a few houses. I breathed out, and turned into my driveway.

I burst threw the door too see my dad sitting at out small kitchen table with my mom. "Oh good your here." I rolled my eyes, "Your father and I need to talk to you."

"Why are you here? I told you to not come home." He sighed, "I am an adult, Evangeline. I choose what I do." My mothers face lost all emotion as I swiftly walked over too my dad, sitting in our shabby kitchen chair.

"And I'm the big bad bitch telling you to leave. I'm done with you, go live with your second family who is oh-so important to you." And I slapped him.

It felt good, as I let my anger out on my dead beat dad. "You make me sick," I growled. I was so done with the bullshit. I was ready to sit in a hole and watch my life fall apart in silence.

He grabbed his stuff, leaving my mom and I's house. He was no longer welcome here and if he dare does, there will be hell to pay. "Good job, sweetie."

I chuckled to myself sitting across from my mother. "Aside from your father, tell me about this boy, you've been out and about with. I picked at the table, "He's alright. I don't know him well."

"Well, ditching school to be with him, he must be pretty important."

I gave a look of sympathy, "Momma, I'm sorry. He was having a rough week, and he just brought me to this place he likes." She smiled, giving me a wink. "Don't worry about it, E." She crossed her legs, "That's the only time you've ditched in the twelve years you've been in school."

"I wouldn't ditch in first grade."'

"You would be surprised at what I see on Dr. Phil, sweetheart. Kids are crazed now a days." She pulled her hair out of her bun, fiddling with the hair tie. "But he's very cute."

My head shot up, "You know what Matthew looks like?" She nodded, "When I heard the car pull up when I told you to come home, I wanted to see what he looked like." I gave her a funny look, telling her to explain.

"I wanted to see if he was a bad boy or a nerdy kid. I can tell he's an athlete. Maybe, football or lacrosse?" I was mind blown. "Yeah, he's a player for foot ball and lacrosse."

"Is he good?"

"I actually don't know. I've caught up with him after and before practice but never watched him." She hummed and leaned back in her chair. "He's a little skinny to be a player, yeah?" She asked turning our small tv in the kitchen on.

I smiled, "Just a little. But I'm sure he's good."

"Well watch him sometime, and fill me in. Invite him over for dinner sometime." She pushed her chair in, getting up from the table. I nodded, "Will do." She huffed

"He's an artist too, isn't he."

An amused look washed over her face, "Definitely bring him home then. I have to go finish a painting someone ordered. Do your homework and take the dog out for a walk." And she left me.

She left me in the kitchen by myself. The only sound left in the kitchen was the low hum of the tv and humidifier.


hello everyone!
so this was almost a thousand words lol. yay!
thanks for reading this very funky chapter.
i tried my best, and hoped it pleased you!
have a wonderful day/night

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