Chapter 7

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"W-where am I?"

Opal looked frantically around her area. She stood up and placed her hand on the wooden wall, feeling it's woody texture and splinters. Opal walked around the hallway, picking up her dress.

"It seems old in here..." Opal mumbled, observing around the area. "And cold..." She hugged her brown cloak.

She walked around more, not really sure what to do. Opal is usually a quiet person and because of that, she observed. She observed her surroundings and the people in it. Of course, Opal was grateful for her observing skills otherwise she wouldn't even be welcomed into the club. She would observe manga, anime and other things that might help with their animations.

She pulled the cloak closer to her, feeling a slight chill behind her. Or...someone behind her.


Opal froze. She started to shake, scared of what was behind her.

"Who are you?" A soft voice asked and Opal immediately spun around.

Her eyes widened as she saw a very pale person, sitting in a wooden wheel chair. Green eyes met with her light violet ones and his green hair was slightly messy.

"Have you come to kill me too?" The boy spoke.

She didn't expect the boy to say such a word. Kill. That word made Opal shiver. But she remembered to answer the boy's question so she shook her head.

The boy slightly titled his head to the side.

"Well, I did doubt that any assassins will get through the barrier," The boy pushed the wheels on his wheel chair to go near a window.

He pointed outside, showing a transparent barrier around the area.

"Where are we?" Opal asked, shocking the boy that she could speak.

"We are in my father's mansion," The boy answered.

Opal widened her eyes. "M-mansion?"

The boy nodded.

"So that means you don't know me right?" The boy turned to Opal who nodded.

"My name is Wally and I'm the son of a rich man. I've been very ill since I was born, most likely asthma..."

Opal blinked, feeling sad for Wally to be confined to a wheelchair and be ill. But she realised she had to introduce herself.

"My name is Opal, nice to meet you, Wally."

Wally gave her a kind smile and gave out his hand which Opal gladly shook. They let go afterwards and everything fell silent.

'I hate this...' Opal thought. 'When everything goes quiet...'

Wally shook his head, probably thinking the same thing.

"So Wally," Opal awkwardly started. "Do you have anyone else living here?"

Wally shook his head. "They're trapped outside."

Opal walked over to the window to observe the barrier more. It was pretty much transparent and wouldn't even know it was there unless you spot the thin white line. Then Opal looked down to spot the dirt ground, pretty much just dirt. There was no sign of greenery and Opal felt anxious. Opal turned around to observe the hallway. The walls were painted green and the hard carpet was brown. No pictures were hung to brighten the hallway, not even small tables with plants on them. It was dull and empty with no homey feel.

'How can anyone live with this?' Opal thought, turning to Wally. 'This isn't a good environment for someone who seems kind.'

"Dull isn't it?" Wally's voice broke Opal's thoughts almost immediately. "My father was a vain person, almost like a true villain and my mother was too overprotective of me. Because of them, we live in quite a dull place. Doctors said bright happy colours are bad for me for no reason."

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