Chapter 1

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(Consisting of events described in 1 Nephi chapter 1-2.) (BTW: there will be asterisks (*) in the story with small explanations at the end of the chapter.)

Told in the POV of: Sam

Laman and Lemuel sat around a wooden table playing cards and lounging on the plush couches in their family's large house. Sam and Nephi entered, sweaty from working in the heat of the day. They both worked from late morning to early evening, taking up most of the day, as farmhands for one of their neighbors, collecting a fairly adequate amount of money for the family to live off of. They got more money than their brothers, but they had to work through the hottest part of the day. Their elder brothers Laman and Lemuel worked early in the morning at a large farm a little outside of town for a few hours but instead of getting another job during the day to help support the family, they would stay at home or go out with their friends and drink. They looked up from their game as their younger brothers sat next to them.

"You need to bathe, you stink!" Laman complained as Nephi plopped down next to him.

"That's the smell of hard work, brother," He said stretching his arms and resting them behind his head, "You don't know it very well, do you?" Laman and Lemuel both stiffened at the comment. Sam snickered softly, receiving a sharp glare from Lemuel. Laman was the eldest at the age of 34, Lemuel closely following at 32. Sam was next, but five to seven years younger than the two eldest, being only 27. Nephi was last at 24, the youngest of the group. But not for long, their mother had recently announced her pregnancy, much to the delight of their father, Lehi*.

"We work just as much as you two!" Laman shouted. Their mother, Sariah, poked her head out of the kitchen.

"Stop bickering and come to eat!" She called. They all stood, but Sam was shoved back down onto the couch by Lemuel as he moved past him to the kitchen. Nephi could see Sam grit his teeth, stopping himself from lashing out at his elder brother. Nephi walked over, extending a hand to Sam, and helped him up.

"One of these days they'll move out and I'll be rid of them." He mused as they both worked their way to the kitchen for dinner.

"Don't hate them for their shortcomings, Sam. The Lord wants us to forgive infinitely." Nephi said slightly prophetically. Sam scoffed.

"Sometimes it's scary how much you act like Dad."

"Is that a bad thing?" Nephi laughed as they entered the kitchen. The smell of beans and ham was thick in the air making Nephi's mouth water. "Smells wonderful mother, as always." He complimented, planting a kiss on her cheek. He had to bend down to do so but didn't mind.

"Thank you, Nephi. I was meaning to ask you- Hey!!!" She shouted making him jump. Lemuel was digging into his meal before the family had sat down and thanked God for their food. She hurled the wooden spoon across the room, smacking her son on the head. He put his hands up defensively. "Wait until we pray!"

"Okay, okay!" Lemuel cried, dropping his spoon loudly. Sam saw Nephi hold back his laughter as he served himself and sat down next to him.

"At least, we know who they get their temper from!" He whispered so only Nephi could hear. He was about to say something else when their father walked in slowly. He had a cut above his right eye that was bleeding, running into his silvery hair, and was leaning heavily on his worn staff.

"Lehi!" Sariah breathed, rushing over to him. She inspected his injury but he waved her away, approaching the table. Nephi stood, his chair scraping against the wooden floor.

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