Let nature do its thing

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(Hello reader, the lovely AceThePhoenix requested another Omegaverse and considering I'm basically obsessed with the Omegaverse and her idea is amazing, I couldn't say no. So yeah enjoy.)

"No, but it's really starting to freak me out." Levi said, tucking a piece of Petra's hair back into place.
"Leave him alone, he probably just has a crush on you and doesn't know how to express himself." Petra snapped.
"But Alphas aren't supposed to be like that. It's the Omega who's supposed to be shy and crushing on the Alpha." Levi continued trying to argue his case.
"Oh yeah, cause you are the type to just lay down and follow the rules. Levi, give over and revel in the fact that you have Alphas on their knees before you." Petra pointed her fork at Levi.

"What are you two arguing about now?" Eld said, slipping onto the bench next to Levi; Oluo and Gunther following closely behind.
"Levi's got an admirer and he's freaking out." Petra explained.
"Nice, give us the details, Pet." Gunther said, leaning closer to Petra.
"So you know that new guy, the big blonde who joined your football team? Well Levi thinks he has a crush on him because he's like always around and smiling at him. And basically Levi being Levi doesn't know how to except attention and is getting freaked out." Levi's head slowly sunk to the table while Petra spoke, quietly swearing in French.

Petra was right, sort of. Levi's problem started when an Alpha joined his class. An Alpha that Levi would say looked aesthetically pleasing and very much straight, Levi labelled him off limits instantly. That was until about a week after this guy joined. He was placed next to Levi in his art class and not wanting to seem like an introvert Levi said hi. That was Levi's biggest mistake because now this guy - that Levi forgets the name of - seems to be everywhere, shyly smiling at him whenever their eyes meet. Petra says he's over reacting but Levi has watched enough Japanese anime to know where this is heading.

"Look! There! He is again." Levi shouted once he finally decided to look up. Everyone turned to look at the blonde, who was quietly sitting with a couple of his friends. "Dude, Erwin isn't that bad. He's actually really nice." Eld looked back at Levi "Maybe you should like get to know him and then decided if he's a creepy stalker or not."
"You've got art next, try and be nice." Petra smiled. Levi sighed loudly "Fine I'll try... maybe."

Turns out whether Levi liked it or not he had to talk to him. They were paired up at the start of class to do a project. A project that they'll have to do outside of class time... together. It was a ploy to get everyone to become closer, regardless of how much they creep you out. Levi sat reading through the main objective of said project, with Erwin sitting by his side smiling like he was the luckiest guy in the world.

"Our idea of beauty? What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" Levi muttered to himself.
"Well it depends on how you see the world." Erwin's voice made Levi jump.
"What?" Levi asked.
"W-Well, it depends on how you see life. For example you could think physical things like a scenery or a person is beautiful. Or maybe you see more darker things as beautiful, like I don't know a thunder storm or maybe even something as dark as death." Erwin seemed nervous under Levi's harsh gaze.
"Makes sense, I guess." Levi didn't miss the way the blondes eyes lit up, like a little puppy dog.

Levi had to admit, Eld was right. Erwin wasn't that bad. They decided on a deep, dark meaning behind their project and worked surprisingly well together. The lesson seemed to fly by. "Um, Levi?" Erwin said quietly at the end of the lesson.
"Yeah?" Levi continued packing his things back into his bag.
"Um, can I have your phone number? So we can like get together to work on this." Erwin asked timidly.
"Er, sure. I guess." Levi quickly scribbled down his number and left without waiting for Erwin to thank him.

He went home with Petra after school and ended up going through an existential crisis. Levi lays on top of Petra, face squished into her belly as she gently plays with his hair. "Talk to me, Levi." Petra says for the third time, hoping he'd answer.
"I don't know what to do." He lifted his head too speak and then placed it back down when he finished.
"He isn't a creep Levi. Just be friends with him."
"But you should see that way he looks at me. But he's super hot and fuck, I like him. But I don't know!" Levi lets out a pained cry when he puts his head back down.

Before Petra could answer Levi's phone buzzed. He grumbled something in French and pulled his phone from his pocket. "Oh my god he's texted me." Levi said after reading the message.
"Well, what did he say?"
"He wants to get together at the weekend to work on our project."
"Well that's pretty normal." Said rolling Levi off of her so she could sit at her desk.
"Yeah that bits fine but the bit at the end isn't. He says he has a 'confession' to make"
Petra quickly turned back to Levi. "Ask him now what it is." Levi sent Erwin a text back. He didn't have to wait long before another one came.

Levi's eyes went wide when he read it, he dropped his phone and curled into a little ball. Petra grabbed his phone and read the text aloud, "Well if I did this project alone I would do it about you. Oh my god, Levi he's flirting with you." Levi just groaned into her duvet. "Just see him at the weekend, have fun, try not to have a heat over him and you'll be fine. You're a big boy now, Levi. I'm sure you can handle him, you might even get a boyfriend out of it."
"I don't want a boyfriend."
"That's a load of bull. You've been so pent up since that fuck boy dumped you." Petra laughed at Levi's little growl. "It'll be fine, Levi."

She's right it'll be fine, I can do this. I. Can. Do. This. Levi had been mentally preparing himself all day. He'd invited Erwin round and he was panicking. He was close to his heat and he always gets weaker during the week's around his heats, so if Erwin should make a move he was scared that he'd just accept it. It also didn't help that Levi was still conflicted about Erwin, maybe if he does make a move he would let it happen. Yeah, that sounds okay. Let nature do its thing and if we fuck, we fuck.

Erwin came and everything was going fine. They sat finalizing details and changing a few aspects. They decided that they'd draw half each and then put them together at the end. Levi actually felt very comfortable, that was until nature decided to do its thing. Erwin took his jacket off when they started to design their pieces, revealing his big, toned arms and before Levi could stop himself he let his Omega scent become a little stronger. But when Erwin's scent over shadowed his own it started going downhill. Levi's mind started to fuzz a little. "Your scent is really nice." Erwin's voice seemed to drop an octave.
"Yours is better." Levi couldn't stop himself, Erwin's scent started to bring the weak Omega out of him.

Their eyes met, Levi knew this was bad but he said he'd let nature choose and it was definitely pushing very hard right now. Levi raised a hand to touch Erwin's jaw and the Alpha took it as an invitation. Slowly moving forward to kiss Levi, it was soft, kind. He pulled back after a moment to gauge Levi's reaction but didn't have long before Levi moved forward again for a more heated kiss.
So what if nature had it in for him maybe this guy wasn't that bad afterall.

(So not much has happened in this one, I just needed to sort of set the stage etc before getting into the thicker plot. So the next part will be better. I hope I did your idea some justice Ace.)

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