Nature gives me a mate

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(There is a bit of smut in this part but I skim over it because I don't like writing sexy bits. Oh and the plot will get a little bit thicker now.)

Levi couldn't help but stare at Erwin's dazed expression as he looked at their painting. Two months of very hard work and for once Levi actually liked what he'd created. Maybe it was because Erwin had done half and in Levi's opinion Erwin's side was better. It was a combination of life and death. Erwin's side being made up of colourful flowers and trees with a big white dove sitting centre and Levi's side was a mirror image but with dying, leafless trees and a black crow in the same position as Erwin's dove

"It looks amazing, Levi." Erwin said pulling Levi a little closer and placing a kiss on the top of his head. Normally Levi wouldn't allow such affection in a classroom but he let this one slip considering the situation. "Yeah, it's not too bad." Levi smiled, leaning into Erwin.
"I say we should celebrate somehow." Erwin declared.
"Maybe, we could have a little date. Expect we skip the wining and dining and go straight back to your place for a bit of fun." Levi stood on his tip toes to purr into Erwin's ear.
"Oh I heard that one." Petra laughed beside him, seeming to materialize out of nowhere. "Like you two are too icky now. In the beginning you were all cute but now you're gross. Have you two even had sex yet?"
"So what, we'll have sex when we're ready. Relationships aren't just about that, you know." Levi bit back, turning to face Petra.
"Oh yeah right, cause you can preached about relationships aren't just about sex. What happened in your last relationship? If I do recall you two fucked like rabbits." Petra said leaning closer to Levi.
"We did not. I'll have you know I'm a virgin." Levi pouted.

"Ladies don't fight," Eld slid in between his two friends. "Everyone knows you're a slut for cock, Levi. And Petra you're no Preachers daughter either." Levi was going to say something back but Erwin's laughter interrupted him.
"What the hell are you laughing at?" Levi turned to Erwin, his pout becoming even more pronounced.
"You're too cute. And to answer your earlier question, yes I'm up for some fun." Erwin smiled, winking at Levi.

Luckily Erwin's parents weren't home and wouldn't be until a lot later. Good thing too considering Levi practically attacked Erwin when he closed the door. Erwin lifted his little boyfriend up the stairs and into his bedroom. Both stripping themselves of their clothes and continuing the kiss that had started at the door. Erwin marked Levi's skin, leaving his print on the Omega temporally.

In Levi's opinion that was the best thing he's ever experienced. He lay flat and fucked out on Erwin's chest, slowly allowing the Alpha's soft breathing to lull him into a pleasant daze. He'd allowed Erwin to knot him but not bite his scent marks. It had been in the moment but Levi didn't regret it, after all if he didn't like it he'd just tell Erwin to fuck off and they won't knot again. Knotting is considered tempory, in the time between knots the bond gets weaker, if they don't knot again the bond will go. Biting scent glands on the other hand is more serious, it's a physical mark, a symbol of trust that says I'm owned, stay away. Levi knew this, therefore he didn't allow it, but that doesn't mean Erwin didn't mark him. Levi lifted his head to look at himself. Deep purple marks littered his shoulders, back, thighs, a lot of his front and no doubt his neck. Some were made by teeth and lips, others were done with strong, controlling hands.

"Sorry, I went a bit mad marking you." Erwin's voice rumbled next to Levi's ear.
"I like 'em" Levi sighed, placing his head back on Erwin's shoulder. Levi's phone started to ring on Erwin's bedside table. He grumbled before picking it up. "Hello?"
"Levi!" Petra's voice sung on the other end. "We were just wondering if you're not too busy fucking your boyfriend, if you'd like to come out with us?"
Levi looked at Erwin's confused expression and said, "Petra wants me to come out."
Erwin frowned, "Are you gonna leave already?" Erwin's frown made Levi feel guilty and he shook his head. "Sorry Pet, but I am busy fucking my boyfriend. Even if I did want to come you'd have to wait for the knot that's up my ass to go down, then I'd have to get past Erwin's puppy dog eyes."
"Ew you are gross. Whatever, other time. I suppose you are celebrating or whatever you wanted to call it. See ya Levi."
"Yeah, bye Petra." Levi hung up the phone and dropped it on the floor. "I say we go for round two before your parents get home." Levi smirked kissing Erwin's throat.

(I know this one is really short but I don't like jumping into the plot and rushing it. I'll update this quicker than usual, the next part will probably have much more to it. Thank you for being patient with me.)

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