Nature's way of making happiness

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(Sorry it's been another very long time since I last updated. I'm planning on making this the last part because I don't want it to get too similar to 'My omega's memories'. Oh and there are quite a few time jumps in this, I'll try to make it easy to follow. So yeah thank you for reading, I really enjoyed writing this request.)

Levi was curled up in a nest he'd made waiting for Erwin to come home for school. His hand gently rubbing over his tummy. Six months gone and he felt huge, Erwin said it was probably because he was little. Levi didn't seem to care much, the longer the pregnancy went on the more he was looking forward to meeting his pup. Erwin was right, it was going to be fine.

A hand ran through Levi's hair and he slowly opened his eyes, not realising that he'd fallen asleep. He was greeted with the smiling face of his Alpha. Levi crawled from his nest and into Erwin's arms. "Hey baby, how have you been today?" Erwin asked before kissing Levi's temple.
"They've been jamming their feet behind my ribs again." Levi said recounting the times in the day were he's been in agony because of it. Erwin gently laid Levi down, sliding his hand under his shirt and resting his head against the bump. "You've gotta stop doing that baby," Erwin said, "mama Levi's being nice and carrying you in his tummy and all you're doing is kicking his ribs. You gotta be nice to him, okay?" Levi couldn't help laughing at Erwin.
"You're so silly." He pushed Erwin's hair from his face while the Alpha placed little kisses on his tummy.
Erwin crawled up the bed and let Levi cuddle against him. "I really can't wait," He said, "after all this I'm actually having a baby with the guy of my dreams."
"Yeah you were a little stalkerish before we got together." Levi said kissing Erwin's jaw.
"I didn't stalk you as such, like I didn't know we're you lived or anything. But that doesn't mean I didn't try to get you're attention sometimes."
"Ha, I knew it, Petra always said I was parnoid but you were always around on purpose." Levi said.
"God I love you." Erwin curled around Levi placing kisses where ever he could reach.

Levi was due soon and everyday Erwin sat in school worrying if Levi would be okay. But so far he's still gone home to his little round tummied Omega.
Except today was different. He was sitting in class talking to Mike about the work when the Headteacher turned up and called him out of class. His first instinct told him he was in trouble and he spent the entire time they were walking thinking of things he could have done wrong. That was until he saw his mum waiting in reception. She hugged him and said quietly, "Levi went into Labour about half an hour ago and we're going to go to the hospital." Erwin then stood dumbfounded until the Head gave him a pat on the back and told him to go help Levi.

Pacing is good for you right... No pacing was driving Erwin insane but that was all he could do. He wasn't allowed in with Levi because he was already in a delivery and they 'couldn't prove Erwin was his mate'. So Erwin paced back and forth angry, fuming in fact that he didn't know anything. Was Levi okay? Was the baby okay? Is it done already? He didn't know. Every now and then Erwin would crouch by the wall and put his head in the his hands, his mother gently placing her hand on his shoulder. A nurse soon came out to them. "Are you here for Levi?" She asked. Erwin stood instantly, "Yes we are. Is he okay?"
"You can come see him if you'd like." The nurse smiled and led the way.

They were led to a door and the nurse gestured for them to enter. Erwin slowly pushed the door open and there he was. His perfect little Levi cradling... two babies in his arms. "But the scans said one." Erwin muttered.
"She must have been hiding behind her brother." Levi smiled nuzzling both of their pups. Erwin came to his side. He kissed Levi's forehead before gently leaning down to mark his children with his scent. He didn't know why he did it but it seemed right to him. "You want to hold one?" Levi asked already knowing the answer. Gently Erwin took the girl from Levi, holding her close to his chest. She squirmed a little and opened her eyes, staring right up at Erwin. "They're beautiful Levi. You're beautiful." He said to his Omega.
"Hey don't get all sappy now you're a dad. Come on you're the one who's supposed to keep me from crying." Levi smiled and Erwin bent to kiss him.

Erwin kissed down Levi's neck to his still tubby belly causing Levi to moan and push his face into his pillow. They'd been living at Levi's for the four weeks they'd been out of hospital and after the second one Erwin couldn't seem to get enough of Levi. He was stunning, everything thing about him seemed perfect. He loved how Levi is still chubby and the stretch mark that their twins caused. This was the first time they'd actually felt up to messing about and Erwin used this opportunity to worship Levi for everything he is.
Erwin kissed and nibbled at Levi's navel, gently running his fingers along the silky lines of his stretch marks. Levi grabbed at his hair and moaned, rutting against Erwin's chest. His scent just started overwhelming Erwin's sense when one of their twins started crying. Levi instantly pushed Erwin's face away and went to his baby's aid. He picked him up, gently crooning for him and hoped that he wouldn't wake his sister. He calmed within moments and gently drifted off to sleep. Levi placed him down in his basket and turned back to Erwin, who was now laying on his back. Levi snuggled next to him knowing the moment was no longer there.
"I love how you can change like that." Erwin muttered kissing Levi's head.
"Like you can switch from my very aroused little Omega to their perfect motherly Omega. It's amazing."
Levi laughed a little, "You're just jealous that you got cock-blocked by a baby." Erwin smiled and pulled Levi close, he couldn't imagine living any other way with any other person, he was happy with his Levi and their two perfect pups.

(Again thank you for reading.)

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