Nature takes me home

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(It's been so long! This chapter is a little shorter and doesn't contain much because I've had some serious writers block these past few weeks. I dunno, it's here now.)

Levi sat in his mother's car fighting the tremors that ran through his body. The familiar bubble of anxiety heavy in his stomach. But this is good he told himself, everything is going to be good now, right?
They'd come to Erwin's the day after they got back from France to discuss the boys situation.
"You ready sweetheart?" Kuchel placed her hand on Levi's knee. He tried to slow his breathing, "Yeah, it'll be fine."
"Yes, it will be."

Kuchel knocked but they didn't have to wait long before Erwin's mum opened the door, after all they had been waiting on the road outside while Levi calmed his nerves. They exchanged pleasantries that Levi didn't hear because a very familiar scent almost overwhelmed him. He wondered past the adults and straight to the Alpha he missed so very much. Erwin smiled but still bowed his head slightly, a sign of submission. "Levi, I-" he was cut off when Levi raised his hand and smacked him right across the face. Levi started beating the bottoms of his fists against Erwin's chest. "Stupid! Stupid Alpha! You're so stupid." Levi slowly started sinking to the floor. Gently Erwin guided him until he was safely down on the ground. Levi then lunged for his Alpha wrapping his arms around Erwin's neck and pushing his face into the scent glands under his jaw.

"You're stupid." Levi said sniffing slightly, for so reason he had started to cry.
"I know, I'm really sorry though." Erwin buried his nose into Levi's soft hair.
"You have at least a month of kissing my ass before I'm going to even start forgiving you. But I did miss you a lot." Levi said hiding his smile in Erwin's shoulder. Levi heard their parents laugh. He turned still holding onto Erwin firmly. "Why don't you boys go upstairs while we discuss adult things." Erwin's mum said, smiling at the pair. Erwin looked to Levi for permission, seeing the small Omega nod he started helping Levi of the floor.

"Look Levi I was practicing." Erwin said, pointing to a pile of blankets on his bed.
"Practicing what?" Levi raised an eyebrow.
"Making nests." Erwin said like a child showing off their macaroni necklace they made at school. Levi nodded a little confused. He moved to inspect the 'nest' and only then noticed it had a hollow that was filled with pillows. Levi tutted "Is this your first go?"
"No, I was try all of yesterday but I can't stop them from falling through." Erwin pouted a little.
"Useless Alpha." Levi said as he started to deconstruct what Erwin had made. The Alpha stood beside him simply watching the Omega work. "There." Levi said gesturing to his nest. It looked similar to one of those domed cat baskets with the little opening at the front but bigger. Levi crawled into it, curling up on his side to face Erwin. "You're really good at that." He said, sitting on the bed opposite Levi.
"I've been making these for most of my heats I know what I'm doing." Levi yawned a little, Erwin's scent was making him sleepy. He found himself closing his eyes and instinctively rubbing his tummy as if he had a baby bump there.

"I can't wait." Erwin's voice startled him a little. He'd moved closer to Levi, layed on his side and was gently rubbing his thumb across Levi's hand. "You're so clique." Levi said with a small laugh.
"You've gotta be a little excited, Levi. We're having a baby." Erwin said kissing Levi's nose.
"Yeah but what about school and my life Erwin. We're so young." Levi moved further back in his nest.
"But we've got a lot of help behind us. And you can get torturing outside of school. It's going to be fine." Erwin kept hold of Levi's hand, preventing him from completely curling away. "Do you not want pups?"
"Of course I want pups, I'm an Omega for fucks sake but we've just started to live. I don't think I can deal with this." Tears started to run down Levi's face. He didn't resent Erwin or this baby but he didn't want to fail at being a good parent. In a quick movement Levi was pulled from his nest and into Erwin's warm embrace. "We can do this Levi. I know we can." Erwin said into his hair. Tears continued to fall from Levi's eyes again and he snuggled closer. Yeah, maybe we can.

Erwin's mum knocked lightly in the door, Kuchel in tow behind. When she opened the door both of them gasped and smiled at each other. Both the boys were asleep. Levi lay on Erwin's chest, hands curled tightly in the alpha's shirt. Erwin's cheek was settled on top of his Omega's head and his hand subconsciously rubbed Levi's side as if he had a bump.

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