Nature was wrong

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(Okay, so I'm gonna start moving the plot along some more, just so it doesn't drag too much.)

Levi just started to get used to being mated until things started to change. It was subtle at first. Erwin started to insist on waiting for Levi before so they could walk together, which at first Levi thought was cute. Then they started spending more time together, almost too much time. Levi started to choose Erwin over his friends. He put it down to the fact that they were mates and naturally he'd want to spend time with his Alpha. One thing that changed for the better was the sex. In Levi's opinion the sex was mind numbing, he very often came out of it with a limp or enough bite marks to give him wet dreams for weeks. Maybe that's why he didn't notice the change in Erwin.

The pair lay cuddled up in Erwin's bed, they'd walked home from school together and curled up to watch a film. "Levi?" Erwin asked.
"Yeah?" Levi lifted his head off Erwin's chest to look at him.
"Have you ever heard of a pressure harness?" Erwin met Levi's eyes. Levi frowned and sat up on his elbow to look at Erwin better, "Nope. It sounds like some weird bondage shit."
"Not quite bondage, but it is used as an aid in sex." Erwin stated.
"O...kay, go on this sounds interesting." Levi said, laying down on his side.
"They're made specifically for Omegas to help reduce pain while mating. Parts of the harness have metal plates which when placed correctly can do anything from relaxing muscles to making whole limbs go numb."
"So wait, I have pressure points?" Levi was very confused.
"Yes, for example this one." Erwin said, gently pushing down on the back of Levi's neck. Levi's entire body went lax. He then lifted his fingers, allowing Levi to move again. "That's weird." Levi said, after a moment, "How hard is it to get one of these Harness'?"

Turns out it's pretty easy to get one and not even two weeks later Levi was staring down at a bunch of leather and metal. They were back at Erwin's house considering his parents had gone out for the night and they could try this out. "I dunno about this Erwin, it looks pretty mean." Levi pushed back into Erwin's embrace.
"I won't hurt you baby, I promise." Erwin kissed the top of Levi's head.
"Okay, so do you know where all these things need to go?" Levi asked, picking one of the leather straps up. He felt the weight of the metal before placing it back down. "Of course, I've done quite a bit of research." Erwin started running his hands around Levi's waist under his shirt. He gently pulled the material over Levi's head, kissing both of Levi's shoulders as he went. Levi's pants and underwear came next, leaving Levi completely exposed to Erwin's soft touch. "Sit down baby." Erwin whispered into Levi's ear.

Erwin began with a strap that went across the front of his chest and under his arms to secure two thin plates either side of his spine. The moment the buckle was done up Levi's entire body felt fuzzy. "How's that?" Erwin asked.
"God, I feel so good." Levi fell back against the bed, enjoying the feeling that bubbled around his body. Erwin pulled him on the bed properly and turned him into his stomach. He then lifted Levi onto his hand and knees. More straps were added and Levi sunk forward, laying with his head in between his arms like a dog stretching after a long sleep.

Then the feeling went, only to be replaced with anxiety. He'd lost feeling to his legs. He tried to look behind himself but his arms were too weak. "E-Erwin. I don't like this." His voice cracked when he called for his Alpha.
"It's okay, I just put two around the backs of your knees, you lose feeling in your legs but it'll be fine." Erwin patted Levi's thigh and continued what he was doing.
"No, Erwin I don't like this, I want to stop." Levi felt tears prick at his eyes.
"Come on babe, you'll be fine." Erwin moved so Levi could see him.
"Erwin please I want to stop." Levi started to sob.
"Really? You're not gonna let me try this?" Erwin frowned.
"God damn it Erwin! Get this shit off of me!" Levi shouted, his tears now uncontrollable.

As soon as the leather left his skin Levi stood and started to get dressed. "Levi, what are you doing?" Erwin asked looking quite sad.
"I'm going home." Levi said bluntly.
"Why?" Erwin stood.
"Because I should have only had to ask once! You're just like every other Alpha, so caught up in sex that you don't listen to your mate." Levi shouted, pulling his hoodie on and leaving Erwin's room.
"Levi come on." Erwin followed him down the stairs.
"No, you've fucking changed. You know, I haven't seen Petra outside of school for months because I've been favouring you over her!" Levi pulled his boots on and left without another word to Erwin.

He was crying even harder by the time he got home. When he opened the door he saw his mother sitting at the kitchen table. "Levi? Oh Levi, what's happened?" Kuchel stood and let Levi fall into her arms. She sunk to the floor with him and let him cry into her blouse. "What happened baby?" She tried wiping Levi's tears the best she could.
"He's just like every other Alpha. He doesnt care about me. All he wants is sex. I don't want to ever see him again." Levi cried.
"Do you want to go see Uncle Kenny for a few days? So you can clear your head." Kuchel asked quietly. Levi only nodded against her shoulder.

Uncle Kenny lived in France and Kuchel used him as an escape when things get rough at home, be it one of Kuchel's nasty clients or in this case Levi's Alpha. They packed that night and got on the first ferry that would take them. Levi thought it a bit drastic to go to all the way to France when his head cleared but the more he thought about it the better it sounded. Erwin was slowly manipulating him into being the perfect Omega, not letting him leave his side, telling him who to be around and what to do. Erwin wasn't nasty at all and Levi didn't really hate him but he scared him, Levi had been terrified tonight and he never wanted to experience that again. He just needed to let the water settle and explain to Erwin that he doesn't want to be treated like that. Hopefully.

(Dun dun dun. It was all going so well!! Oh by the way I live in England so that's why I put a ferry instead of like a plane. I don't like writting Erwin as the bad guy so you'll have to wait to see id he can redeem himself.)

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