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Nicki POV

"I'm tired of working with meek." I said to TiTi as we all sat down at the arcade table.

"Stop frotin..you love it." He said and I chocked.

"Why?" Titi said and laughed.

"Cause he always tryna fu-.." He pinched my thigh.

"Ow! Fuck you do that for?!" I said looking at him like he was crazy.

"Cause.. You talking to much." He said and I crossed my arms sitting back in the seat.

Titi started laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Titi, you can shut up cause we ain't forget you got that zaddy zickkk." I said putting my tongue out snapping my finger in the air.

Deen and meek started laughing.

"Why you gotta bust a nigga out like that?" She said and I laughed.

"Cause I'm that bitch." I said and meek looked up at me.

"Oh you that bitch huh?" He said and I ignored him playing like I didn't hear him.

"Where the bathroom?" He said and I gasped.

"No! Ok, ok, I'm not." I said lying as I laughing.

"Yeah. Say it again." He said eating his pizza.

"So Nic how you like being a teacher?" Deen asked and I chewed my pizza and wiped my hands with a napkin beiges speaking.

"It's sooo Fun! There's good parts and bad parts and INAPPROPRIATE parts." I said and meek laughed.

"You got a favorite student?" Titi said and I looked in the air.

Meek took my hand and put it on his dick.

"Yup..his name destroyer." He said and I too my hand covering my mouth laughing.

"Anyways.. Yes. Her name is Nikylah. This little girl is so smart. Like I'm not suppose to have favorites.. I like all my students the same and think of them the same. It was just something about this little girl when she walked in my classroom." I said and meek smiled.

"Yeah... And I'm tryna tell Nicki our daughter gonna be like that." He said and I smiled rolling my eyes.

"Meek our child is gonna be just the way they come out!" I said and he nodded.

"Yeah. Looking like me good as fuck. Ion know bout you.. You too ugly." He said and started laughing. I pushed him playfully.

"Meek you so damn corny!" I said and they all laughed.

"Woow..dis y'all everyday?" Titi said and I nodded.

"Girl yes!" I smacked him playfully. "His annoying ass." I said and he grabbed my face and pecked my lips fast.

"Baby take a picture with me." Meek said and I shook my head.

"No! Meek Ima break your camera.. I'm too ugly." I said and flipped my hair and everybody fell out laughing.

"Yoo! Nicki my type of ch-.." Deen stopped and meek looked at me weird.

"You beautiful baby.. I was just playing." Meek said and he kissed me pointing his phone up to take the picture.

"Anyways Nic... Who's your least favorite student?" She said and I died laughing.

"This little Mexican boy! He think he slick." I started laughing thinking about it. "Girl this boy annoying." I said and she laughed.

"Why what he do?" She said.

"He be talking in Spanish thinking he slick!" I said and titi laughed and said something thinking she was slick to.

"él no tiene gusto yo culo." She said. She must be a dumb bitch cause I took Spanish class with her.

"ningún bebé usted aint mancha cualquiera." I said and popped my gum.

"Hold up!" Titi said dramatically and I laughed moving my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah. I gotta 5 star chick." I said and deen started to look funny.

"Y'all I'm not slow! Please tell me why y'all think that?" I said and titi spoke up.

"Nah because I forgot all about you taking Spanish.. I thought you took Chinese or some shit." She said and I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Your so dumb bestfriend! I was in the same class as you!" I said and she laughed and awed.

"I sho forgot about that!" She said throwing her head back laughing and I nodded in agreement.

"I see that." I looked over at meek and he was half sleeping.

"Big head!" I said and he looked at me.

"Wassup." He said in a sleepy voice.

My thongs instantly got wet.

"Ugh meek! The things you do to me." I said and he licked his lips.

"What about those things?" He said smirking and I stood up.

"I'm ready to go home." I said standing up stretching.

Meek stretched too and cracked his back before he started walking.

"We'll talk to y'all another time." I said and we left.


"Ahh meek slow down." I said as he ate me out.

He didn't listen.. He kept going at his paste, which was driving me crazy. His tongue game is ridiculous!

He's made me cum twice already.

He licked my opening harder and sucked on it making a slurping noise. He took his two fingers and slid then in pumping in and out.

"Ow...ow...ow." I said in-between breaths. He looked at me and I looked at him. I finally slammed my head down on the covers rolling my eyes to the back of my head gripping his neck. I arched my back and curled my toes and came all over his face. He licked me Clean then came up to kiss me letting me taste myself.

"You good as fuck ma!" He said and I blushed.

I got up barely feeling my legs and pushed him down.

"You turn...daddy." I said in a seductive voice.

I grabbed him dick and jerked it up and down brides taking it in my mouth.

I kissed the tip making him grunt a little.

"Stop playing with a nigga." He said and I went all the way down on his dick.

"Fuck!" He yelled and I kept bobbing my head up and down.

"Shit Nic!" He said grabbing my hair tight guiding me.

I went faster and then went all the way down to where I was touching his balls. His dick jerked in my mouth. I knew he was close.

I held it there chocking Myself. I looked at him and he threw his head back curling his toes.

"Fuuuuuck!!" He yelled and came in my throat. I swallowed and went up to kiss him.

"That's what that mouth do?" He said and I laughed.

"Yup!" I said and he picked me up taking me to the shower.

We got out the shower and turned on the tv. We were talking softly cause we were both played out.

I looked up at him and he kissed me.

"I love you Rihmeek." I said and he closed his eyes.

"I love you too baby." He said and I blushed closing mines.


Ayeeee I did it!!😛😂🙌🏽

Excuse all errors!!❤️✊🏾

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