I Can't Feel my Fingers

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Finals are here and I am dying a slow and painful death.

Finals is about a week of test to see if you weren't texting in class. At my school, it's about 20 percent of your grade, and that's a lot of pressure. So I'm here to assure you that you will do fine. One test isn't going to even matter when your 50. No one is going to bust down your door and yell, "If you don't tell me 3 things Napolean did as his reign as emperor of France, I'll shoot you!"

NO. No one is going to ever say that.

That doesn't mean you should just blow it off and not study at all. I'm just trying to say that this isn't the end of the world. Don't study yourself to death. Take a break once in awhile. Go for a walk, eat a pack of golden Oreos (guilty), or go hang out with some friends.

Relax. It's going to be okay.

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