My Heart is Exploding. But I Kinda Like It.

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I fucking hate having crushes. It feels like someone is taking my heart out of my chest but I allow it because they're ass looks really good in jeans and their laugh is so weird but in a good way that ever time you hear it you just can't help but smiling.


They mostly suck because we mentally scare ourselves into these different scenarios of "what if he says no? What if he doesn't think I'm pretty enough or smart enough or something?"

Let me tell you something that you should carry around with you for your entire life. You are enough. You are more than enough. I don't ever want you to go around life thinking that because a guy doesn't like you, you should just run away and hide under a rock.

Fuck Jimmy Knee Socks and his ranch breath.

Don't ever let a guy make you feel inadequate.

I know that rejection sucks. Rejection will make you want to do horrible things to yourself and to others. But you can't just base your worth on if something finds you attractive. I've been rejected a few times (I know it's hard to believe.) and it sucked major. I cried for a day or two, showed up at school in sweatpants. But then I put on my best concealer, my prettiest dress, and my highest heels.

The best way of revenge is showing someone that you are going to be find with or without them.

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