Sleep Over

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Ray's POV

Its was 5:30 && the boys came over. they also bought theyre girlfriends. I asked why they bought them && they said they didnt want Amaya to be the only give. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.. especially since Chres brought Channel. I let them in && we all went to sit in the living room to watch tv & talk.

Ray: what yall wanna do tonight?

Channel (chresantos girl) : watch movies

Craig : EAT!!

Chresanto: nigga stfu up w ur fat ass

everyone except Craig: *laughs*

Jamie (Craig's Girl) : its okay babe you'll eat... and we should tots do make overs

ATG: Yasss

A/N : ATG = All The Girls

Channel: I know who needs it the most..

Oh my Lawd..i hope she doesnt say what i think she is going to say

Jacob: *raises eyebrow* who?

Channel: its it the most obvious... its Amaya

ATG: *laughs* sooo truee

Chresanto: * gets mad* Channel stop !

Channel: shut up were just having fun.. last time i check you were picking on that nerdy bitch anyway so whats ur deal?

That was it she crossed the line. I know Chresanto was going to say somthing rude so i stopped him before he could.

Ray: Chres, Craig, Jacob kitchen now

They all got up & met me in the kitchen

Ray: * to chres* you good bro?

Chres: yea im straight

Jacob: good.. * to ray*so two question wheres ur girl & wheres Amaya?

Ray: *sighs* Aaliyah left because Amaya came & she got mad. Amaya is upstairs in the guest room sleeping.

Craig: ok.. so should we wake her up?

Ray: *shrugs* I guess

Chres: alright leggo!

we went upstairs to wake up Amaya. We just walked in& there she was. In a bellyskin shirt, butty shorts & her hair in a messy bun. She was looking godd. I've never seen her like this before. All of us stood there with our mouths open the only word that could excape was DAMNNNNN! We stood there for a while until Jacob finally spoke up.

Jacob: S-Soo who's going to wake her up

Chresanto: *bites bottom lip* I'll do it

Chresanto's POV

I walked over to Amaya & tapped her on her arm. BOOM! she punched me in my face. I was stumbling back wards trying to regain my balance.

Chresanto:*yells* WTF!

Craig,Jacob,&Ray: *laughs*

I guess i scared Amaya when i yelled because she jumped out her sleep immediately

Amaya: um what are you guys doing here?

Ray: we came to wake you up because were getting ready to watch movies & stuff

Amaya: oh *looks at Chres holding his nose* wtf happened to you

ATB/except Chres: Laughs

Chresanto: you punched me when i tried to wake you up.. but im cool

Amaya: Oh my god im so sorry its just something im used to doing.

Craig: Oh... wait why are you used to doing that?

Amaya: oh would you look at the time. I better get dress so we could do the "stuff" ray was talking about

Jacob: wait but what were you talking about when youGCO


Craig: alright alright

Jacob: sheesh

Chres: Damn you fiesty.

we all started to walk away until we saw ray still standing there.

Chres: um dude u coming?

Ray: yea ill be there soon yall go without me

Jacob: ok

Me, Prod, & Prince went back down to our girlfriends & waited on Ray & Amaya to come down.

Amayas POV

Ugh shit.. why didnt Ray leave now hes going to start questioning me

Ray: Amaya is that what u really did?

Oh My Fucking God here we go

Amaya: *sighs* yes.. you have no idea what its like to be raped.. especially by the person who brought you into this world. its hard ray *starts crying* its hard

Ray: everything will get better *hugs her* trust me

what Ray really said really made me feel better i just hope it does.

Skipping to Later At Night

Channel: lets play seven minutes in heaven!


we all sat in a circle & jamie got a bottle and handed it to me.

jamie: why dont u start amaya

Amaya: ok *spins the bottle*

OMG... NO! No ! No! this cant happen i cant kiss him NOOOOOOO...


who do you think Amaya has to go in the closet for 7 minutes w...hmmm comment what u think who ever gets it right gets a dedication

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