The New Girl... New Friend?

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After the whole thing with Ray and me getting my ass beat by his girlfriend. I lock myself in the spare room Ray let me still in. I cry and cry hoping the events that happen today wouldn't had happen.

[The Next Day]

I woke up kind of early main because I didn't want to see Ray and because I wanted to talk to Ms. London about yesterday events. I did my morning routine and got dress in (in the comment). I went downstairs. I heard the shower on coming from Ray's room so that means he up, so I have to be quick and go downstairs. I left him a note, grab an apple and head out the door walking by myself to school like I do every day. As I walk a car pull up to me, I was scared the last time that happen it was my dad and he was drunk. He raped me in the car and then drops me off to school. That day I stay in the bathroom and cry softly to myself. But today it wasn't my dad it was Aaliyah, Chanel and Jamie... Oh Boy!

Chanel: looky, looky... girl do see what I see

Aaliyah: Oh see it too... it the home-wreaker that ruin my relationship with Ray

Amaya: Leave me alone

Jamie: OMG it speaks

Chanel: It does speaks

Aaliyah: Can you do another trick for us dog?

Jamie: Liyah I think the proper word is Bitch

Aaliyah: Bitch do another trick for us?

Amaya: I said leave me alone (starts to run)

Why won't they leave me alone I mean we do this every day can I get a break please? I run inside the school hoping I wouldn't run into anyone who bullies my on a regular basics or even Ray. Not focusing on where I'm going I run into someone locker. I didn't even bother getting up, I just lay there on the floor. The owner of the locker closes her locker. She had her headphone blasting and she was singing Un-Break My Heart and she sung beautiful. I guess she saw my on the floor because she took off her headphone and bend toward me.

??: Hi, may I ask you why you on the floor?

Amaya: I run into your locker and I feel like dying so I decide to lay here and die

??: Well I don't think your friends would like that?

Amaya: Ha what friends, I'm just the girl that gets bully

??: Then I'll be your friend... My name is Minnie and I'm the new kid (help Amaya up)

Amaya: Thank you by the way I'm Amaya

Minnie: What's your first class?

Amaya: History with Ms. London

Minnie: I guess we have history together then... Ugh can you show me to the bathroom, I don't know this school inside and out yet.

Amaya: Right this way new friend (laughs and Minnie laughs too)

??: Amaya...Amaya...Amaya

I look back and it was Ray... shit... No

Ray: Amaya why wasn't you home when I woke up?

Amaya: I wanted to avoid this awkwardness

Minnie: Amaya...

Ray: Who that

Amaya: Minnie this is Ray and Ray this is Minnie

Minnie: It's nice to meet you, but I'm sorry for being rude and all but Amaya I really got to pee...

Amaya: No it's ok, we just finish talking anyway


I wanted to say more but Amaya and that new girl walk off. DAMN!!! I mean I love Aaliyah a lot but I also like Amaya maybe even love her. I walk toward to boys.

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