Things Seem Ok... I Guess

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Amaya was telling me about her life as I drive to my house.

"So last night I went over to Ray 's house and the boys came over with there girlfriends. We were playing 7 minutes in heaven. Ray and I end up to got pick and we started kissing. After that his girlfriend came pull me out the closet and she whoops my ass. And you know the rest of the story."  she look out the window and I stop at a red light.

"Hey Amaya you can't let people hit on you use your voice." the red light turn green and I start to drive again.

"And I was thinking if you don't feel comfortable at Ray 's you can stay at my place." she turns her head and faces me

"Oh no Minnie... you don't have to do that." she started " And plus you just meet me... and I don't want to be a bird in your household." I just shook my head

"no you good Amaya... anyways I live with my mom that's all." I pull into my drive way.

"this is where you live?" Amaya says as she gets out the jeep. I laugh

"Yeah... why so surprise boobie? Is it because I'm black" we look at each other and start to laugh

"Not even... but it's a really nice place." we walk to the front door and I open the door.

"Mom are you homeeeeeeeeeeeeee." I yell

"Yes sweetie I'll be there in a minute." she yells back. she sounds like she in the kitchen and I was right because she walks out the kitchen to greet us.

"Your mom is Kerry Washington?" Amaya whispers over to me. I nod my head

"Mom this is Amaya... Amaya this is my mom Kerry Washington."

"Its nice to meet you Ms.Washington... I'm a big fan of scandal" my mom hugs Amaya (Scandal is a real show on ABC and its amazing.... you guys should really watch it.)

"Its nice to meet a fan.... Minnie can I speak to you in the kitchen..."

"Ok sure... Amaya have a seat... I have 2 dogs and a kitten,so don't let them brother you." I walk into the kitchen to speak to my mom.

"Yes mommy...." I said with a big smile

"Ok now tell me who she is... before I know what I'm getting myself into."

"she another Charmaine mommy. The same thing that happen to Char is happening to this girl mom."

"So you want to fix her." I nod my head...

"You know you don't play Olivia Pope... I do" I look up to her.

"I know, I know but still... I'm doing this for Char... if she would of told me what was going on and if I wasn't so blind she would still be here with me." I cry softly. That was my best friend.

"Minnie I know it's ok. Amaya seem like a cool person and if she reminds you Charmaine then help her." My mom kisses my forehead.

"I love you mommy"

"I love you too. And I know you ask her if she can stay... she can stay in the guest room next to your room."

"Thanks mom"


I watch as Minnie and her mom walk into the kitchen and I know they talking about me. I sit on the couch waiting for Minnie return. Out of nowhere 2 dogs. Then a kitten jump into my lap. The kitten walks around on my lap before resting and taking a nap there. They sat in front of me and smell me, it's was weird at first until they let me pet them.

"Throw it up, Throw it up watch it fall out... Pour it up, Pour it up that's how we ball out..." that's my phone... I look at my phone and see Ray name come up... sigh

"Hello this is Amaya."

"Hey this is Ray." sigh I thought he butt dial me or something.

"What happen Ray?"

"Craig wants to know if you and Minnie want to come to the park."

"Why doesn't he call her phone?"

"Well be did but she not answering.... so are you guys coming are not"

"I'll see what I can do." I hang up before he can say anything.

"I'm back" Minnie says walking towards me.

"I see you met my small pet family."

"Yeah... they are very friendly."

"Oh your lap is princess. The bagel is Alvin and the pit bull is Max.

"They are very cute but a second ago Ray said Craig been calling your phone but he wanted to know if you want to go to the park?"

"Sure let's go... Mom I'm taking the dogs for a walk. I'll be home before 8:30." Minnie grab the leash for the dogs off the wall and the dogs walk over to Minnie to get the leash on. I place the sleeping kitten beside me then got up and walk to Minnie myself.

"Want to walk one if the dogs?" she ask me


"Take Alvin... he more well behavior outside." I took a hold of his leash and we walk out the door. We walk towards the park. It wasn't far either. I believe things are going good so far. Maybe becoming friends with Minnie was my eye opener. When we got to the park the boys were playing basketball. Minnie and I sits on the benches. things right now seems to good to be true and knowing me.... something will find its way to me to ruining things for me. but with Minnie here at least I know for 100% that someone has my back thru thick or thin. Things seems ok... I guess

hola boobies.... Yes it's me again Mrs.Crippen.... I recently change my name to dopee_star_wife

I just want to thank you guys for reading this story.... This is zee love of my life story that I'm showing love for by writing this chapter for her.... if you like my story don't be afraid... go on my page and read my stories.... but a heads up I'm not updating any of them until 2014 or until I feel Like it.....

Follow me @dopee_star_wife

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