Chapter Eight: Immortal Children

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I watched as Ness and Daddy played the piano, Momma's hands on my shoulders. "Its so pretty, Momma." I whispered, and she smiled down at me.

"I know, baby." She whispered, kissing the  top of my head. Aunt Alice walked into the room, bolding a vase of pretty flowers.

"Aunt Alice!" I ran up to her, and her eyes glazed over as the vase slipped from her fingers, shattering all over the floor. Daddy stopped playing piano, and picked me up. "Daddy...What's wrong?" I asked, fear rising inside me.

"Baby girl, don't be scared." Momma whispered,  Ness now in her arms.

Aunt Alice snapped her head up, looking around frantically. "What is it, Alice?" Daddy asked.

"They're coming for us. The Volturi. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the guard." She murmured, eyes wide. "And Irina." She whispered.

"Girls, come here..." Momma grabbed me from daddy, and held me close, kissing my head. "Its okay baby.." She whispered to Ness. "Why?" Momma asked. She wasn't only concerned, she was angry.

"What did Irina see in the woods?" Daddy asked looking at momma. She thought for a moment, and then looked up at him.

"We were just walking!" She said, holding me and Ness extremely close. "Ness was catching snowflakes. They were just playin like normal kids!" Jake commented.

"Of course..." Daddy cursed under his breath. "Irinia thinks they're immortal children..' Daddy said, looking down at the ground.

Bella's POV

"The immortal children were very beautiful, so enchanting. To be near them, was to love them. But their development was frozen at the age they were turned. They couldn't be taught, or restrained. A single tantrum could destroy an entire village." Carlisle sighed softly, showing me and old book, filled with pictures of children with beautiful red eyes, and porcelain skin.

"Humans heard about the devastation, stories spread. The Volturi were forced to intervene. Since the children could not protect our secret, they had to be destroyed." I looked up from the book, my eyes meeting Edwards.

"Their creators grew very attached and fought to protect them. Long established covens were torn apart, countless humans, slaughtered. Traditions, friends, even family, Lost" He said softly, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"So the Denali's mother made an immortal child?" I asked, looking up at him, waiting on his answer.

"Yes, and she paid the price for it."  He said, unphased as he did so. He laced his fingers together, and anger began to well up inside me.

"Well my daughters are nothing like those children! They were born! Not bitten! They grow every single day."

"So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?" Jake asked, sitting up in the chair. I looked around at everyone. All their expressions were the same. Worried. I was scared, not for my own life, but for my family's

  "Aro already has enough evidence in Irina's thoughts." Edward argued, shaking his head slowly. He paced back and fourth, and then everyone's eyes laid on Jake as he stood up.

"Then we fight! That's the only logical answer to this!" He said, uncrossing his arms, looking around the entire room.

Jasper shook his head. "Their offensive weapons are too strong. No one can stand against, Jane." He said, his arms crossed over his chest. "And Alec's even worse"

I stood up, anger welling inside me. "Then we convince them!" Edwards placed his hand on my shoulder, squeezing it gently.

Genevieve's POV

I heard everyone talking about what to do. "Ness..." I whispered as we lied side by side in our bed. "Are you scared?" She grabbed my hand, squeezing it softly.

"Yes, but remember, Mom and Dad won't let anything happen to us." She whispered, and I turned on my side to look at her. "Okay?" She asked.

I nodded my head slowly, my eyes becoming heavy. "Goodnight Ness." She smiled, and let go of my hand, rolling on her side, her back now turned to me.

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