Chapter Thirteen

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[Peters Pov]

We slowly approached the darkest of all of the land, I felt a protection spell that I can only enter, I stopped the boys and made them wait outside the force field. I walked through the force field with out getting bounced back like a normal person would have.

I slowly walked through the long grass with my sword up waiting for my shadow to appear, as I was walking I saw a stone cave hmm that must be where he is hiding it, I thought. As I was walking I did block all of the traps of flying arrows and nets, I came up to the stone cave and I laid my hand close to the door using my magic to put down any spell that my shadow could have put on it.

I walked in and saw my heart in a glass container on a tall stone, I slowly creeped up, I looked down and there where patterns, each pad had a mouse, tiger, black spot and a flower, I picked up a stone beside me and tossed it onto the black spot and there where arrows that flew side to side, I picked up another stone and threw it on the flower, it didn't do anything.

I stepped on the closest flower and quickly leaned back before anything could shot out, but nothing did. I followed the patterns of the flowers until I got to the end, I walked up to my heart and held my hand out making the same glass with a fake black heart, I quickly slid and switched them.

After a minute it started to shake like it was going to tumble, I quickly followed the pattern again and when I got to the end I pressed on the wrong one making arrows shoot out, I ducked and ran making it out the door before it collapsed fully.

I ran to the boys before my shadow came after me, once I got to the other side of the force field we ran back to camp but before we were just outside of camp I put a spell on the glass case with my heart for Blake can only take it out, because it wasn't time yet to put it back into my chest.

I walked with Felix to his hut and used my magic to use a hiding spell to hide it in his hut that I can only opens the spell, once we hid it I walked back to the house since it was dawn and I wanted to have a celebration of the full moon.

When I got back to the house I looked around for her but she wasn't there it got me very concerned and worried if my shadow had taken her. I closed my eyes and started to think of Blake which sent me right to her, I found her on the beach night swimming with Paul.

I too a deep breath of relief " I see you guys went night swimming" I smirked at them, the both chuckled and looked over at me, I walked over to the edge of the beach before the water touched "hey Peter, come on in... It's nice and warm" Blake said with a smile, I slightly chuckled "maybe another time, but for now let's go we are having our annual celebration of the full moon" I said with a smirk as I cocked my eyebrow up.

They walked out and walked over to me as they grabbed there towels, I couldn't keep my eyes off Blake since she was hot and wet at that moment, me and Blake teleported back to the house and got changed, she came out with black tights, black sweater and a black beanie "what's will all of the black?" I questioned "I like black, is that a problem?" she smirked at me "deepens" I smirked back at her.. 

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