Chapter 36

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[Peters Pov]

After if it my vision back from being blacked out for a few minutes after I saw Blake on NeverLand with me.

I saw her laying in front of me all clawed up and cuts from dream shade, I picked her up and flew her to the house, I called her mother and she came running over.

She checked for a heart beat "there is a small beat, come help me, grab me a bucket of water and a rag" she said quickly as she grabbed fairy dust and mixing it with something else and pouring it over all of the cuts "here" I said passing her what she asked.

She took the rag and got it wet and started wiping the blood and dream shade off her body, "ok heal her" she said backing up, I hovered my hands over her body healing the marks leaving bruises and scars.

I took the rag and sat next to her wiping it over her back and legs "go cool off I got this" I said looking up at her mother who was really upset.

I sat there waiting for her to wake up " Blake I'm so sorry for what I have done, I was too scared to grow up that it took over me" I whispered.

Paul and Felix ran in worried "oh my god what happened?!" They both said "I'm not sure but go I need to be alone right now" I said starring at Blake hoping I won't lose her.

After a few minute after they left I laid my head on her hip closing my eyes and fading into a sleep, I felt her move so I quickly got up and looked down at her.

She screamed and started to cry, her mother ran down to check on her "stay away from me you monster!" She screamed pushing herself away from me " Blake I'm sorry" I pleaded.

When she went to scream again she blacked out again but her mother was more worried then ever "what is it?" I asked holding Blake's hand " her heart is broken in pieces" she said as she started to cry.

"Is there anything we can do" "no it's too late" she said crying, "her heart is too broken to be fixed" she cried out more, it took a few minutes until an idea popped in my head.

"There is one way but your not going to like it" I said as I held my hand on her chest, I ripped her heart out and held it, she was right it was cracked like glass almost about to fall apart " after I do this I need to to take my heart and split it in half" I said grabbing my heart.

She did try to change my mind but it was the only way, I crushed her heart which made me cry I passed her mother my heart and she slowly split it in half, I fell to the ground in pain but it was worth it, she shoved our heart into both of our body's and I stood up looked down at Blake.

She woke up still in fear "Blake I'm sorry, I love you so much" I pleaded and I grabbed her face and kissing her harshly.

"What happened?" She asked pulling back " I had to crush your heart because your heart was like broken glass" "then how am I alive?" She asked looked at me and her mother with confusion.

I smiled and pulled her towards me " we share the same heart now" "you mean I have half of your heart?" She asked as a tear rolled down her face.

I wiped it and nodded slowly "it was the only option we had" I said as I hugged her tightly "but you could have died" "it would have been worth it" I said smiling as I pulled back from the hug.

I laid my forehead against hers smiling as our feelings grew stronger then ever making our body connect to a tighter hug " I love you so much Blake, you have no idea how much you mean to me" I said pulling back "I can feel it, I love you too!" She pleaded as she kissed me harshly.

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