Chapter 25

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The walk was silent but when we got back to the house his eyes went back to normal "Peter I totally forgot about everything from here" "I've noticed but then again it was a sight affect."

I sat down on the couch next  to Peter and laid my head on his lap looking up at his adorable face, after a few minutes Paul and Felix walked inside " we are home" Felix said with a big smile " whats got you so happy?" I said while I looked over and slightly chuckled.

" I just got some girls number" he chuckled, me and Peter looked at each other and chuckled " who's?"  "some girl named Kristy" Felix said showing me the number "um.. Felix you might want to stay away from her" I said a bit worried while I sat up " why she is really pretty and interesting" "yeah I know but she is the top popular girls and the meanest, trust me she will just destroy everything you have."

"How would you know?" "because I was bullied by her all through my life, just stay away from her for me" I pouted as I ripped the paper with her number on it, I stood up and looked over at the boys " i'm going for a walk to find something to do, you can either come or stay" I said as I started to walk to the hall.

Peter was the only one that came with me since Felix and Paul had homework, after walking around the big mansion I do have to admit its bigger on the inside then the out. Me and Peter found a room that looked like a movie theater that had thee seats and big screen like it.

I started a show that I haven't seen in so long which was American Horror Story, I never got to finish watching all 5 seasons so I started the Freak Show where I left off, Peter found it very weird but I think I got him addicted to it.  

After we finished the first episode I heard the door close, I walked over and saw my parents coming home with grocery's, I started to help my mom until Peter helped her so I just sat at the counter watching Peter pick up things with his muscular arms.

After my mom got situated with the grocery's she sat down next to me " mom?" " yes honey?" she questioned " why does Peters eyes go dark blue when he gets mad? since we left NeverLand?," she knew that NeverLand was real as well since she is a witch and she went there when she was a kid " well its because his hormones have been sealed up for century's since he never grew up, so be careful but I can do something to lower it a bit," I nodded and watched her put her hand on his forehead making him pass out from what she put on him.

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