Chapter 32

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I laid my hand up and the teacher walked over to check it out "wow great job you two, I always loved how you two worked together" he said smiling at us, I rolled my eyes and looked back over at Peter.

"Peter are you going to sit with me at lunch?" I asked " sorry but he is sitting with me" Jennifer said as she leaned her body onto him like a slut she is.

"Yes I will be" Peter said pushing Jennifer off him I smirked at him and blew a air kiss to him, after first and second was over I had gym and it turns out Jennifer was in my gym class as well.

As the usual she judged me and made me feel like shit, I ran to the bathroom crying, she barged in and made it worse "Peter is mine now and he is going to be in my pant tonight so have fun laying in bed alone tonight" she whispered in my ear as I cried in the sink.

Once she left I punched the mirror and saw the glass laying in the sink remembering the times I cut myself when I was in depression, I grabbed a piece and started to cut again because I was just too upset to care.

[Peters Pov]

During third my  wrist started to hurt, I asked to leave the class for a few mins, I stood outside of the class and saw blood slid down my wrist that was coming from between my wrist and my elbow.

I looked around to see no one in the halls so I teleported to Blake to check on her, I found her standing by the sink with tears rolling down her face and glass everywhere, I walked over and looked down at her wrist with blood bleeding out and a piece of glass in her hand "Blake?" I questioned.

"Peter what are you doing here, your supposed to be in class" she said quietly. I grabbed her arm and locked up the blood from her wrist " ew stop that, it's gross" she said pulling her arm away from me "then stop doing that to yourself, it doesn't help anything" I said as I waved my hand over it healing it.

"Peter I'm sorry, she just made me feel so horrible about myself" she pleaded, I wrapped my arms around her holding her "it's ok, you are not horrible, you are my angle" I said as I rubbed my hands on her back comforting her.

After we both pulled threw the day I drove home, Felix was driven home by Jamie for now on and Paul was driven by Alison for now on as well I knew that they both liked each other and plus it gave me and Blake time to ourselves.

As I got close to the house I laid my hand on her knee rubbing her leg " when we get home we are going straight to bed" I said as I watched the road, she looked over at me and I glanced at her " I'm taking a bath to relax and to clear my though" she said,

"Ok then I'm joining you weather you like it or not" I said " wouldn't you love that" she smirked at me, I chuckled and grabbed the wheel again " yes I would but I'll do anything for you" I said as I pulled into the driveway.

As Blake was in the tub I grabbed my heart from under the bed and stared at it, I knew it was time that Blake learned the truth.

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