I've abandoned humanity,
Or has it abandoned me?
In honesty who cares......When you look this good.
Purse your lips onto the pipes,
The rats need leading,
They need to be taught.
As the crow flies, lead them to the river:
Let its icy warmth fill their last breath-
As they follow serenities steps,
As each one sinks to an empty ripple.
I could warm them,
For few moments,
If they don't mind gazing on a God.
I'll make a bigger crack pipe,
And show them the joys of anal sex.
A small blessing, in my opinion.
A small sweet blessing,
In my humble dark opinion.
I won't just do it for anyone......Not when I look this good.
Leave your hope where it lays,
We don't need weighing down,
Not with your pointless hope.
Swiftly we'll move into the flames.
Without your petty dramas
We'll let it consume our flesh.
Bubbling and black, our skin will peel,
It will fall to the ground
And trees will grow;
Trees from which humans will hang;
Hang from nooses made of human entrails.
They will hang, limbless.
There swollen tongues pushing from there dry black lips.
There's no need for concern though......Not when you look this good.
I can hold your hair if you like,
I knew you would be sick when I poisoned your soup.
It's the least I will do.
With my sinister smelling gloves
I'll hold your innocent hair.
I'll smear it with the blood of the children:
The ones we just ate.
I know you didn't know,
How else was I expected to sacrifice your daughter.
Don't worry though, she was already dead.
I strangled her last night
So there's no need for those tears.
You won't catch me weeping.
Why? You ask, why?
I thought you'd understand,
I can't do such things......Not when I look this good.
There's no love here,
Not in this hopeless world,
But that doesn't matter to me.......Not when I look this good.
Bloody Words
PuisiPoems for the twisted souls who dance at night. The cauldron stirrers, aorta slurpers down right damned to hell life usurpers. We all have a dark side, I invite you to enjoy yours. For the broken and the damned walk amongst us every day.