The Quasi-mutual Indemnification

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Sheldon was frozen in the middle of RadioShack. He knew that if he so much as make another step forward, she might look up; however, staying still will probably give the same result. He contemplated on backing away and going around the lengthy aisles to reach the counters, but it was too late. As soon as his right foot stepped back, Amy looked up and he was met with the same shocked gaze that was all over his face during that moment. It was as if time stopped during the few seconds that they stared at each other. Neither moved, neither looked away. Sheldon recalled the last time this happened: Leonard darting upstairs and Bernadette, practically running down in haste, leaving them and forcing them to talk. It was awkward and he didn't know what to say then that will cut the meeting short without offending her. God knows, he's already done enough of that in the five years that they were together.

"Uhm... Hi." Amy greeted, timidly. She looked down and back up to meet his measuring gaze.

It took Sheldon a while to let out a quiet "Hello". They stood on their respective spots, glancing at each other every now and then. Amy didn't know what to say or do next. She can feel Sheldon was in the same predicament, but to her, it was more than being clueless about what they should do next that's nagging at her. She wanted to talk to him. Actually talk because she missed him, but a small voice in her head whispered to her "...but you broke up with him. You don't have the right to miss him!" and she was suddenly filled with guilt. She tried to imagine how Sheldon was feeling and tried to study his expression for a while. She saw a number or emotions in his blue eyes, but what stood out the most is what she can only assume was, sadness. She felt the tears that were quickly gathering in her eyes and knew that she had to get out of there fast. As their eyes met again though, selfishness overpowered her. There were a lot of things that she wanted right now and letting go of this opportunity to be with Sheldon, even for a short time, wasn't one of them.

"I was... just about to pay for these," she held a little basket with a few DIY contents in it.

"I was on my way to do the same," he answered, holding up the small box in his hand.

She was probably pushing her luck, but she wanted to savor his presence for as long as this moment might allow. So with hesitation in her voice, she asked, "May I walk with you... to the counter?" paraphrasing his question, the day he came over after she asked for a break. She offered a small smile, which he returned, surprising the neurobiologist.

"Okay," he replied, remembering that exact same day. Oh, where had the days gone by? He started walking towards her. They walked side by side to the nearest counter and Amy made the payment for the items she got, first. She waited for Sheldon to retrieve his purchase and without any confirmation, they walked out of the store.

Amy started her way to the parking lot, but stopped when Sheldon turned his head to the bus stop. She was confused at first; she assumed that Sheldon was with Leonard and that the experimental physicist probably chose to stay in the car to wait for her ex-boyfriend. He looked back at her and that gave her the idea that he came to RadioShack alone, and most probably, by riding a bus.

She wanted to ask, to confirm. "Sheldon, did you ride a bus to get here today?

"Yes," was his only reply.

"Why? Where are the others?"

"Well, Leonard is sick, Penny's still at work, Howard said he had something important to do, which I doubt is true and Raj said he had a date with Emily." He spoke quickly and by the end of his speech, he was scowling.

Seeing how Sheldon's brows drew together, an idea came to Amy. She knew how averse he was to using public transportation. He was clearly upset about having to ride a bus to get there and the idea of having to go the same way to get home will only make it worse. Before she could stop herself, the offer came out of her mouth. "I can drive you home... I mean, if you want..."

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