Assaying Probability

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A/N: Fair warning, I will be using lines from the episode, "The Platonic Permutation" for this chapter. Also, this short, behind the scenes tale of how ShAmy got back together (in my imagination of course) is two chapters away from its conclusion. 

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters, plot and actual lines used on The Big Bang Theory that you can site in this fan fiction.


It was a few days away from thanksgiving and Sheldon still didn't know what to do with his extra ticket for the City Aquarium. He hasn't asked any of his friends because he wasn't sure which one to ask. All of them were pair bonded and he's the only one without a partner. He couldn't believe how sad that thought made him. Years ago, he wouldn't have minded; he might have even laughed at the notion of him being in a romantic relationship. Now, he can't help but feel incomplete when he remembers that he no longer has a girlfriend. What's more is that even Amy probably has someone during the holidays. She's been out, seeing other people, while he rejected the one person who showed interest in him because of punctuality issues. If he were being honest to himself, he just didn't have the heart to see anyone else, other than Amy. The thought of replacing her was too much for him. He just didn't want to do it.


"If you can't support me when I'm lying, why are we married?" said Howard, while munching on some rice. His wife just frowned at him. 

"Well, I don't understand why you can't just actually go with us? It's about time you give something back to the less fortunate," states Raj and Bernadette was nodding in agreement. Howard was looking back and forth between his best friend and wife. He was trapped between going to the soup kitchen and going to the aquarium with Sheldon. With an exasperated sigh, he said, "Fine. I'll go!"

"I'm sorry, but what about my invitation?" Asked Sheldon who was looking at them with confusion and annoyance. He knows that his friends were never excited about the thought of spending time with him, but to display it so indiscreetly while he's in the same room was too much. The sting of rejection -- an all, too familiar feeling that he often gets since he was a kid-- from his friends, hurt more than he would care to admit.

"Well Sheldon, I am going to the soup kitchen for real now. Sorry. Maybe ask Stuart?" suggested Howard.

"Ugh, not Stuart!" Sheldon blurts out. He wasn't that fond of Stuart, enough to consider him a companion on thanksgiving. 

"Sheldon, we're sorry, but we really just have other plans that day. Try asking someone else." Said Leonard.

"Maybe I'll just go by myself. I've been to places on my own before, I don't see how this time should be any different." Sheldon rose from his spot and walked back to his room, not glancing back in case he sees a reaction he didn't want to see, from his friends. 

He sat in the middle of his bed, legs crossed. Sometimes he can't believe how rude his friends can be. He's a man with emotions too and can easily get hurt. He's not as indifferent as he used to be. Most days, he can even determine sarcasm and irony; that just annoyed him even more. He was staring at the tickets and was trying to figure out what to do with the other one. They're non-refundable so returning the other one was a lost cause. If Amy didn't break up with him, he wouldn't have the conundrum. "Now... Who else can I ask..." he murmured, to himself. As if on cue, Vanessa's name appeared on his phone, signaling an incoming call. His stomach suddenly felt funny.

"Hello, Vanessa."

"Hi Sheldon. I was calling about my game disc. Did I leave it in your apartment?" Vanessa said, trying to sound cool. She knew that there will be some awkwardness between them after what happened, the last time they were together.

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