The Cognate Accretion

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"Sheldon, I've been feeling better for two days now. Don't you think that if you caught what I had, you'd already be sick by now?" Leonard asked, trying to avoid the aerosol that Sheldon just sprayed around the kitchen.

"One can never be sure, Leonard. For all we know, the virus is still airborne in our apartment, just waiting to attack when my armor is down. This is nothing but a mere precaution." The taller man answered, all the while, still spraying the disinfectant around the living room.

Leonard sighed in defeat. There's really no point arguing with the guy when it comes to germs. He's come so far, and now here he was, doing what he always does when someone sick or was sick is around him. He followed his best friends movements under his glasses. When Sheldon finished his task, he walked to his desk and opened his laptop, not caring about the pair of eyes that were on him. His friend was studying him, trying to see if any emotion will show on his face. The lanky physicist still hasn't spoken to either him or Penny about how he feels. Sheldon didn't even say anything about the Vanessa girl. They didn't push him though, knowing that course of action never leads to anything good.

"Is there any particular reason why you are ogling me?" Sheldon asked without looking up from his laptop, pulling Leonard out of his trance. 

"No. Nothing, really. So no plans tonight?"

"Leonard, tonight is Vintage Game night, and unlike you and the rest of the guys, I have no intentions of breaking that routine." He spoke indignantly, finally looking up at him. Everything else in his world feels like chaos, it's only logical that he will want some sense of normalcy; no matter how little. 

"I'm sorry, Penny's been busy and tonight is the only time this week that I can take her out. I'll make it up to you buddy, I promise." Leonard says, patting his friend's shoulder as he walks to his desk to retrieve his wallet. 

"It's alright. No need to make it up to me. I have to start accepting that nothing is constant. Also, you're spending time with your significant other, not going to a rave with any of my nemesis. That's not a crime." Sheldon said with a sad voice, that got Leonard turning around from his own desk. 

"Sheldon... If you want I can talk to Penny and we can just--"

"Leonard, I'm fine. I can manage on my own. You need to stop worrying too much about me." Sheldon spoke, cutting him off.

"Fine. Well, I'll see you later," answered his friend and with that, Leonard left to pick up his wife.

Sheldon rose and looked around their apartment. He's doing Vintage Video Game night alone. It's not a very inviting thought, but he's done it before. He's confused as to why this makes him sad. Oh, you know it, Cooper! Don't be so thick! You miss your group, he thought. With a sigh, he walked over and pulled out Adventure Island and begun setting up for the night.


Friday night found Vanessa at home, about to do a movie marathon. She didn't feel like going out with her friends from her major class. She was digging through one of the boxes that was delivered earlier in the afternoon, labeled "SciFi films", when her phone on her table, vibrated. She looked and was surprised to see a message from Sheldon.

I need my Crash Bandicoot back, tonight. -S 

Vanessa was confused. She tried to remember talking about that game with him the last time they were together, but she was at lost. She thought Sheldon must have sent her the message by accident. How odd, though, that he will send such text on a night when she just received some of her stuff from Texas that her parents sent her; which coincidentally, includes a copy of the very game, Sheldon was talking about. She contemplated for a while if she should respond to his text, when a random idea occurred to her: going to Sheldon's place with her copy of the game and play against him. She tapped her index finger on her chin for about a minute before deciding to grab her purse, jacket and keys. A few minutes later, she was driving to Los Robles. 

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