The Platonic Permutation Correlation Pt. 2

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A/N: Wattpad was acting up, so I had to break this into two chapters.

Disclaimer: (I.) I still don't own anything related to TBBT that is included in this fan fiction. (II.) I will still be using lines from the episode, "The Platonic Permutation" for this chapter.


Amy was a bit distracted throughout dinner; a fact that did not go unnoticed by her mother. She dismissed her questions asking about what the matter was by saying she just not feeling well. Her mother offered some medicine, but she declined and said she just needs to rest. Her mother allowed her to go home after dinner without further questions, which she was grateful for. In the car, she kept shooting glances on her phone; deciding whether or not she should go with her decision.

After dropping Sheldon off, her mind wouldn't stop going over the day she just spent with the man she broke up with about six months ago. She kept trying to tell herself that she feels different because of being with him today; that this was nothing but a side effect of bonding with him after not seeing him for a long time. As she drove to LA, she was in a battle with herself; having a hard time choosing between standing her ground and admitting that she wants to get back with Sheldon. She still loves him, and boy, did she miss him!

Now, as she made her way back to Glendale, she finally made a decision. She wants him back. Finally willing herself to tell him, she couldn't wait any longer, so she dialed his number and made the call while driving. He answered after the third ring.

"Hi, Sheldon. I'm just driving home from my mother's," she started casually.

"Did you have a nice time?" he asked, trying to make polite conversation

"I did. Um, listen, I really enjoyed spending this morning with you," she said, her voice cracking a little because of nervousness.

"Well, I can't take all the credit. It was pretty funny when that one anchovy started going the wrong way," he said, missing the tension in her voice.

Here goes, she thought, "It was. Uh, listen, I, I was thinking that, um, maybe I'm ready to be your girlfriend again,"

He could imagine hundreds of reasons why she called him right now, but that wasn't one of them. He didn't know how to respond. "Oh. I thought we were just friends."

"We are. But I was hoping, maybe..."

Didn't he just give up any chances of being with her earlier? Didn't he just decide to be content with having her back as a friend? His mind was working frantically. He didn't know what to tell her. He's spent so much energy trying to get over her the past six months, and now, just when he was finally being comfortable with the idea of not being in a relationship with her she drops this bomb on him? He felt conflicted. He loves her and in reality, being her boyfriend again is something that he wants badly. So what was stopping him? Was he not ready? He didn't want to think about it now. The matter needs some serious consideration before he can make up his mind.

Before she could say anything, he decided to cut her off, "Amy, I excel at many things, but getting over you wasn't one of them. I think I need to just be your friend."

She was taken aback. She kept thinking about how she felt that she didn't even consider if he wanted her back. Did she really just assume that Sheldon would gladly accept her with open arms? She knew how much damage their breakup had caused him. She even saw the physical effects of it earlier. She felt horrible, but she knew breaking now while he's still on the line is not a good idea. "Okay. I understand," she responded, trying to fight the stinging in her eyes.

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