The Train Store Occurrence

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Sheldon's mind was drifting off to thoughts of the previous evening. He waited for a woman that his friends found for him as a date; sure, she arrived about 30 minutes late, but she actually came. Vanessa Bennett. She stormed off when he told her that he didn't want the date to move forward because she failed to arrive on time. Ppft! He probably dodged a bullet there, he thought. Clearly the woman was suffering from one of her monthly cycles. He wouldn't want to deal with that.

"Buddy, let's go," said Leonard. They were dropping him off at the train store on their way to the mall to do some shopping. He nodded and stood up, grabbed his messenger bag from his desk chair and said, "Alright."

"Sweetie, what would you like to have for dinner tonight?" Penny asked him. He barely noticed her question as he was now staring off into space, just standing by his desk. His mind was currently occupied by thoughts of Amy and that guy who kissed her in front of her apartment. How can Amy let that guy do such act in public? Then he remebered what happened last year; Amy kissing him under the mistletoe at the mall. His lips suddenly felt tingly at the thought of that kiss.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" She asked again, placing her hand on his shoulder, trying to meet his eyes. He looked at her and nodded. "Yes, I'm fine. We should go," and started walking towards the door, leaving the couple behind him, who exchanged looks of confusion. Leonard just shrugged and they followed in suit.

The couple, though still concerned, have been used to seeing him like that since the night after he ran off to propose to Amy. He never said anything specific, but he told them he didn't do it. He continued to refuse answering their questions about what happened.

Making sure that Sheldon was already a few flights down the stairs, Penny turned to her husband and asked, "What do you think about Dave?"
The man furrowed his brows for a second and answered, "Well, he seems like a jolly fella. Plus he's really tall. I think Amy's got a thing for tall guys."

"I know! That one's even taller than Sheldon." She said nonchalantly.

Sheldon was three flights ahead of them and stopped at the mention of his name. He turned his head towards the conversation.

"Looks like a nice guy. By the looks of it, he seemed really interested in Amy. He was leaning at the table with so much enthusiasm on his face. He was intently listening to whatever Amy was telling him." Finished the blonde.

Sheldon didn't know how to feel about what he just heard. So his friends were out last night with Amy? And she was on another date apparently. That didn't make sense.

The couple caught up with him and immediately stopped talking when they saw him just standing at the landing. They looked surprised to see him and they knew that the lanky physicist heard them. Sheldon had his poker face on, not wanting to give too much away with any facial expressions. Although if he were honest, he didn't even know what he was feeling anyway.
"Sheldon--" started Leonard, but Sheldon cut him off. "It is not necessary for you to say anything." And with that he finished the remaining set of stairs and exited the building. He waited by the car and went inside the back seat once Leonard unlocked the doors.

The drive was quiet and it took a short time due to light traffic. "We'll pick you up in an hour and a half. Call us if you need anything." Said Penny. He thanked them and went inside the train store after they drove away.

Ah.. Finally! Something to keep my mind off... He didn't let the thought finish. He went through the new display section of the store and admired the Custom O Gauge New York Central that was going around its tracks. He liked the trains in New York. That was one of his favorite stops during his trip, less than two years ago. He went through the other sets around the store and found an O Scale Union Texas 33K Gallon Tank Car, which he decided to get. He asked the attendant for a new set and just scanned the stores shelves while waiting. He was behind one of the shelves that covered him from the entrance and was oblivious to the people coming in and out of the store. It wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that he froze, a cold feeling going through his body.

"...well, I wasn't really into toy trains, but the ones they have here are pretty impressive." He heard from two aisles away. Thank god for my Vulcan hearing! He thought.

"Well, you did not disappoint. These are fantastic! Thank you for coming with me today." Sheldon heard a man with thick, British accent respond to Amy. "I haven't really gotten around since I moved here. Kept to myself in my flat most of the time." The man continued. "Well don't mention it," said Amy.

Drat! Of all the places in this town, why here?! Sheldon's mind was frantic. He chanced a glance to where the conversation was coming from, thankful that there are shelves blocking him from Amy's view. He quickly looked away when he confirmed it was indeed her. He needed to get out of there, fast. Having no idea how he would deal with the situation if she found out he was there too, he started walking towards the entrance as fast, and unnoticed, as possible. Luckily, the pair were examing one of the glass protected display and had their backs turned to the main door. Sheldon didn't waste a second and walked out the door. He started backing away from the store, still not peeling his eyes from inside the store, making sure Amy won't see him outside.
He was past the glass windows of the store and turned to face the other way. Since he was walking backwards, he didn't notice that there was someone behind him and couldn't prevent bumping into the person the moment he turned around.

"Aaahh!" the woman screamed as she collided into Sheldon. "Dear lord!" It was his turn to yell when a jumbo cup of smoothie fell on his head, drenching him in the cold, sticky liquid. The woman started wiping some off the smoothie from his chest while muttering her apology. Sheldon had his eyes closed because of the cold sensation.

"Wait, Dr. Cooper?" She heard the woman in front of her ask. He opened his eyes and saw it was Vanessa.

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