A Blur

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The cold winter breeze blew through Dan's overly hairsprayed hair. As the wind began to get stronger Dan's hair blew back, making him look like a hedgehog that had been hit by a raging car.
Phil couldn't help but laugh at Dan's frustrated looking face as he tried to pat his hair back down to its normal shape. Phil never hairsprayed his hair, which is why it looked so perfect in the wind.

Eventually, they reached their destination. The building they stood outside of was grey in colour, with a few cracks here and there, and ivy was crawling up the walls. Their faces grimaced at the sight of the old building, which looked like it could collapse at any moment. Dan's face paled as he realised he was going to spend the next few hours within these concrete walls.

As soon they stepped through the solid oak door that was painted green with a slither of glass to let in a bit of light. They were greeted by a young woman who looked like she had an excessive amount of plastic surgery. Her pale blonde hair was tied tightly into a neat bun. She had tanned skin and very heavy makeup, but for some reason Dan and Phil still found her approachable looking.
"Hello there!" She shouted over to them, "How can I help you?"
"We're here to see Doctor Ash," replied Phil to the young woman.
"Just go take a seat then, I'll tell her you've arrived."
Phil nodded and grabbed Dan by the wrist and dragged him to the seats.

Dan noticed some girls giggling across the room. One of them had their mouth wide open from shock, whilst the other was squealing on the inside. Phil laughed to himself as he watched the girls, he was about to walk over them when he was stopped by another young woman, who was accompanied by a small man.
"I'm Doctor Ash," She spoke with a thick British accent and reached her hand out to shake Dan and Phil's hand. "but you can call me Google, Phil." She winked at Phil.
"Google?.." Phil laughed quietly, his faced filled with confusion.
"Yes, Google," Doctor Ash answered, "because I'm all you're looking for."
Dan felt a spark of jealously as he heard what Doctor Ash had just said.
Jeez, she gets comfortable easily, He thought to himself.
"I'm kidding!" She laughed loudly, hitting Phil a hard slap on the back.
Phil just laughed awkwardly and stepped back beside Dan, noticing the jealously in his eyes.
"This is Dan," Phil spoke, trying to change the subject.
"Ah, hello Dan!" She shook his hand quickly, "I'm Doctor Ash, and this is Doctor Harron."
She pointed to the man beside her, who was taking some notes down on a clipboard. Dan nodded to Doctor Harron, and Doctor Harron nodded back.
"Well, let's go somewhere more private, shall we?" She began to walk down a hall and stood outside a door. While she entered a passcode into the lock onto the door, Dan felt himself get more and more anxious, until the point where he felt like he couldn't breathe. A familiar tightness gripped his throat and he felt his head go light. He felt as if his surroundings were closing in on him, which made him shake and hyperventilate. Just as he was about to run outside to get air, he felt Phil grab his hand to walk into the room.

"Dan, are you alright?.."

He heard Phil's voice but suddenly everything became blurry, all he could do was nod as he let Phil walk him into the room. He didn't want let Phil worry about him any more than he already did.

'I can't get out,

I'm going to pass out,

I can't breathe,'

Dan thought to himself. He had a million things go through his mind, but those were the ones that stood out the most.

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