Existential Crisis

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'Shit..' Dan thought to himself.
He looked over to his companion, the reflection of his MacBook screen filled his glasses lenses with a bright blue. He was looking at Twitter.

An account, that went by the name Phanproof101, had uploaded a picture of Dan and Phil walking down a street holding hands. Phil started to wonder how the account had managed to get the picture, and why people thought it was them.
The picture was two black silhouettes with a yellow light shining softly over the hoods of their coats. It wouldn't have looked like they were holding hands if it wasn't for the yellow light shining on their sleeves as well.

Some people thought it was photoshopped,  and Phil praised the accounts who did, making sure to give each account a follow. But there were accounts who supported the Phanproof101 account, and fought with the accounts who denied that it was Dan and Phil in the photograph. One account even tried making an argument involving the socks that the shorter figure was wearing, trying to claim that only Phil would wear mismatched socks, especially in public places.

Phil thought for a moment, when it suddenly hit him.
Of course.. Phil thought to himself. He instantly remembered the clicking sound that interrupted Dan and him while they walked out of the therapy building. Obviously someone had taken a picture of them both, the owner of the Twitter account, and uploaded it to the Internet.

"Dan-," Phil spoke up, concern flooding the tone in his voice. God knows how Dan would take this news.
He looked over to Dan's signature place on the couch hoping for some kind of reply, but instead he saw an empty space where his sofa crease is.
Phil stood up and groaned quietly, thinking he had an idea where Dan could be.

"Daniel James How-!" He shouted, before tripping over a body that was spread out on the carpet.

"Why do we exist?.." Dan muttered under his breath that was muffled by the material of the carpet
"Death is inevitable.."
"What is the point of existence ?.."
"What's for lunch?.."

Phil crouched down beside his friend, patting his head gently and whispering "It's okay, it's okay," whilst sighing gently.
Right now he really didn't want to deal with one of Dan's existential crisis', there was so much to do. But Phil didn't argue, instead he just knelt down beside his friend and patted him gently as a sigh of comfort.

After what seemed like an eternity, Dan finally got up. His face looked just as pale as usual, his dark under eye circles looked more pronounced than usual, his hair was tousled and his clothes hung loosely from his delicate but tall frame.
He looked over at Phil, who was drinking a cup of coffee that he had made while Dan was having his existential crisis, and spoke up.
"Did you need to tell me something?"

"Yeah, I think I found the source of our probl-" Phil stopped speaking as soon as his deep blue eyes met with his partners darkened brown orbs.

Almost as soon as Dan opened his mouth to speak, Phil started choking on his coffee.
The elder boy quickly stood up, spilling coffee all over his laptop as he stared directly at Dan.

"Oh. My. God." Phil whispered to himself, his face turning paler than usual, if that was even possible.

"What?" The brown haired male spoke back, as he looked at Phil's features for some kind of emotion other than fear.

Phil couldn't form a sentence "Y-You.." "W-What." "H-How?"

A loud groan erupted from the younger boy's throat as he got tired of waiting for a reply from the older. "What now?'"

Phil quickly ran out of the room, slipping a few times before reaching the door. Dan had never seen Phil look so confused in his life.

"Phil!" Dan began to walk after him, confusion philling his mind. //hahaha pun alert//
What was that all about? Did I miss something?

Dan heard a loud shut of a glass door, the kitchen door. Of course Phil would hide there. If there was a zombie apocalypse, that would be the first place Phil would go, it is stocked up with coffee and cereal after all!

The taller male was about to shout for Phil again, when he felt his body collide with the kitchen door
"Son of a-" he muttered to himself while trying to find the light switch beside the door.
Once he felt the button underneath his fingers, he pressed it and the lights switched on, causing Dan to go blind for a few seconds before his eyes adjusted to the new light.

He felt his hand grip the cold handle of the door, but as he looked up to open the door, he seen a reflection stare back at him, that certainly didn't belong to him.

"What the he-!" Dan screamed before finding himself collapsing on the ground from shock, his head colliding with the soft but cold carpet of the hallway. It had knocked him out stone cold.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2016 ⏰

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