Chapter 5

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The journey

I walked back into my apartment to find a very angry Sky waiting for me. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU'LL BE BACK IN AN HOUR!!!" I wince and cover my ears her yelling harsh on my wolf ears. "YOU LEFT THE HOUSE WITHOUT ME AND THEN YOU DECIDED THAT YOU WOULDN'T BRING FOOD BACK!?" I sigh knowing exactly what she wanted. So I walked into the kitchen and started cooking. She just pouted and watched. What she didn't know was that her tail had popped out and it was wagging. I turned around and walked over to her. "What the hell are you doing Akira you need to cook." I just chuckled and leaned down kissing her deeply and passionately. "Is this what you wanted all this time Sky?" She blushed at the suddenness that I had taken on her and she turned away shyly, "Th-that's n-not wh-what I w-wanted but..." she looked at me her eyes pleading, "Its what I need." She pounced on me and started to snuggle me and kiss me in an almost violent manner. I smile and let her knowing that the food would burn. Then she suddenly stopped, I looked at her and there she was sleeping like a baby. It was almost as if she had forgotten I had left her and she had never woken up. So I did the only thing I thought would help, I put my shirt on her and continued cooking. She snuggled that and I could tell how easily my scent put her to sleep. "That's another reason they wanted to marry us. I'm the only one that puts her to sleep so easily." I'm like a sleep drug that she needs if she is ever going to be queen, but I'm also the only one that can please her sexually. Ever since we were little we knew that we were going to have to have sex and have an heir. So we taught ourselves how to play with ourselves and each other. Yeah that's right we taught ourselves how to have sex, deal with it. When it came to the time of our first mating season we snuck away from the festivities and had sex. That was when we were only eight. Yes we werewolves and spirit panthers mature faster than you humans. Ever since then when ever it were mating season we had insane sex but we never had an heir. Maybe its because we weren't ready to have a kid but I can tell now that having a kid will definitely bring us together.

While I was thinking Sky had woken up for real this time and snuggled into my shirt. "Akira come here." I didn't hear her so she got up and whispered in my ear, "Oh handsome prince your princess needs you." I blushed hard and looked at her knowing exactly what time of year it was for us. "Its mating season in an hour isn't it?" She nods and blushes hard. I could tell she was ready for this. "You've had all that sexual tension built up for years I can't believe you've resisted for so long." She blushes and looks away. "I only used toys and dreamed only of you Akira. I knew that you were still alive and I told everyone." She looked at me with teary eyes, "Even the scout I sent to look for you couldn't find you." At this I laughed, "Oh no, she found me and she dated me for a few months." She looked at me in shock then bit her lip, "What did you two do." I looked at her with all honesty, "We only went on dates. I wouldn't let her kiss me or seduce me, even during mating season." Sky looked at me shocked, "How could you resist such a beautiful girl?" I smiled and whispered in her ear, "Because I knew I had an even more beautiful girl waiting for me when I got my memory back." She shivered and blushed moaning into my ear, "Akira please take me, take me as the slut I am." At the remark I bit her. "Ow Akira what was that for?" She looks at me. "That's for calling yourself a slut! You are not a slut nor will you ever be! You're my princess now and forever." She blushes and cries. "Akira why are you so nice to me when I've only been possessive of you?" I smile at her and kiss her deeply, "It's because I don't mind being possessed by you. You are my queen and that is final." She looks at me shocked and doesn't respond, she just put her head against my chest and listened to my heartbeat.

After that event I told her to get everything she owned and pack it. "Sky we need to leave now." She nodded and waited till I got my bag which was more of a hiking pack more than an essentials pack. "Let's go." I walk out of the apartment and handed my key to the front desk, "Thank you for your hospitality and for taking me in on such short notice." The clerk nodded and took the key, "There will always be a place here for you if you two ever return." I smiled and left the building. "Ok Sky let's get a move on to your place." She nodded knowing that as long as we were together there was no stopping us. So we started moving towards her apartment using the shadows and rooftops. Little did we know that her place had been found and was being guarded. Or at least that's what would be said if I wasn't a werewolf. I smelled them a mile away and decided that I'd go and pack her clothes. "I'll get only what I think is necessary for the trip, ok?" She nodded and I walked up to the apartment just fine until I ran into the guys that jumped me (you know from chapter 1). "Hey it's that little shit that we interrogated before." They walked over and I had to resist punching both of them in the face. "Why are you two here? Still can't find that brat that beat the shit out of you?" I smiled as they resisted from hurting me. "Do you know where the hell she is yet or not?" I laughed, "That girl would be stupid as to return to the person she helped." They sighed, "You're right." I clapped them on the shoulder, "May I please enter this building now?" They nod and I walk in without any hassle. Then came the fun part of getting to find the room. "Which room is a Miss Kaburagi in?" The attendant looks at the computer then at me, "34th floor room 234." I smiled at her, "Thank you." I go up the stairs which was fucking hell. So picture this, I'm on ground level, which means I have to go up 34 floors, but there are two sets of stairs to get to each floor. In total I walked up 68 flights of stairs. When I got to her room I opened the door to find that it was a master suite. "I guess I know where she wanted to bring me so badly when we were little." I walk into the bedroom and its a full fucking house in there. "Damn she could afford all of this?" I look in the dresser to find all the toys she used to play with. "Um I guess she used these to get off." I decided to pack them and a couple bras and other clothes. Then came my biggest challenge... her panties. Just thinking about them gave me a massive boner that I couldn't control. I opened the drawer and started drooling which was a little embarrassing. She had lace, thongs, and regular, but the best that she had was a pair with a little wolf on it sticking his tongue out towards her pussy. I could tell these were the ones I gave her before I lost my memory because they actually say "Akira" above the wolf. Anyway I packed her clothes and left the building undisturbed this time. As I reached Sky she pounced on me and started stripping me. "Sky its mating season I know but is this necessary right now?" She nods and blushes as she shows me her drenched panties. I smile and start rubbing her, "AHHHH YES AKIRA PLEASE FINGER ME!" I look around to make sure no one hears, "Keep it down Sky we don't want everyone to hear." She just sucks on my neck and nibbles it, "Forget it just pull your panties off." She does as I say and I pull my cock out, "Let's get started." I shove my cock into her and start thrusting hard and fast, kissing her so that she doesn't moan out loud. I don't stop till we both cum five minutes later. "There that should hold you off for a bit." I then dress her and put the packs on my pack, "Ready?" She blushes and looks at me, "Its leaking out of me Akira." I look at her and notice her panties aren't on and that my cum is dripping out of her slowly. My solution, "Lay down this will only take a second." When she did what I said I started pushing the cum out with my finger making her moan more. "There, that should do it." I put her panties on and she licks my fingers, "Akira I wanna suck you dry next time. Please?" I look at her and nod."Let's just go." I pick her up, since I could tell I did a real number on her pussy, and carry her out of the city. "Only about an entire country to go." She laughs and kisses me, "You can make it in one week when motivated." She pulls her shirt down so I can see her cleavage. I blush and go to lick it but she stops me, "Not until you get across the country." I growl and start running using the real speed of a werewolf, which with two small packs and a very horny panther was about thirty miles and hours. Thous we set out of our wild adventure through life, and this was only week one.

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