Chapter 30 ~ Is That The Future?

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Chapter 30

Is That The Future?

“Alana, be safe.” She called out.

“I will Mummy.” I called out. I gave her a hug and walked out the doorway to find my brother. I skipped down the familiar stone hallway to where I knew him to be. 

He was playing on the balcony with his elf friend. He was Mirima’s older brother, although she didn’t like him very much.

“Go away Orc-breath.” He said nastily. I shook my head.

 “Mummy said, to come inside now Edolas. She said I have to tell us something very important and then we are going on an adventure. Honestly she said that.” I said hoping he would believe me. His friend stood up, as he was twelve and I was only six he was a lot taller than me. He pushed me.

“Liar. You only want Edolas to come play with you.” He said. I shook my head and started to cry. Edolas stood up and pushed his friend back. 

“Are you such a baby that you start to cry?” He said. I shook my head. 

“Don’t be mean, she’s still my sister.” He said. He bent down and hugged me.

“Can you lead me to Mum?” He whispered to me. I nodded and grabbed his outstretched hand in my. We walked into the hall and down it towards our room.

“Mummy! I’m scared.” I cried. She was packing some clothing and food into a bag. She looked at me. Tears ran down her face. She crouched down in front of both us and looked us both in the eye.

“I know, Alana. Be brave my children. Edolas you must be a brave boy, when you grow up make sure to protect your sister. And Alana, you must protect your brother as well. We shall now meet Gandalf and then we will ride to Rivendell for safety.” She said. 

The scene shifted.

I was in present time I thought. There was only white light and puffs of what seemed like clouds. They were swirling about and started to take a form of some kind.

I was walking beside Legolas on the rock plain after Aragorn had ripped my heart out, cut it up and stamped on it. 

I leaned into him and rested my head on his shoulder. He lifted his arms up and then wrapped them around my shoulders. I sniffed. 

“I-It’s not fair. I don’t even know what I did.” I sniffed. 

“Hey Alana, don’t think of it like that. I- You know I’m not very good at this comforting thing. But for you I’ll give it a shot.” I chuckled. 

“He could be upset with you for a lot of reasons but-“ He said but I interrupted.

“Oh, thank you. That makes me feel so much better.” I said sarcastically. He nodded.

“I wasn’t finished. But- I think you should just give him space to cool off and realize how much you mean to him because he loves you. I can see it in his eyes even when he’s mad at you.” Legolas said. I nodded. 

“That did make me feel better, thank you.” I said. I hugged him and let go so I climbed up the rocks to the flat part. 

The scene shifted.

I was much older, and it seemed like I was in future time. I looked around me. There was only white light and puffs of what seemed like clouds. They swirled in to Rivendell that I was sure of. I knew Rivendell inside out. I was in the library. 

Legolas came running up to me. He picked me up and spun me around.

“Frodo is awake!” He said happily. I smiled. He hadn’t let me go yet so we were still in a hugging position.

“That’s great! Aren’t you going to let me go, so we can see him?” I asked confused. He smirked and pulled me closer.

“Not just yet.” He said. He leaned in and kissed me. It was gentle and relaxed. It was as if we had all the time in the world. 

I snaked my arms around his neck, and kissed him back. He pulled the elastic out of my hair while still kissing me, causing it to tumble freely over my back and shoulders. It was a while before we pulled back. He looked at me with so much love in his eyes. I looked back at him.

“Only one more kiss.” He said leaning in again. 

The scene shifted to the white nothingness place I had been to earlier. The white was billowing around and wasn’t taking any form. I frowned. Suddenly it started to rapidly darken into grey and then black. I felt like I was drifting away from it.

I woke up. I didn’t open my eyes though. They felt cemented shut, like I had been sleeping for days. Was that the future?

~ ~ ~ Man, I would liek to have a dream like that. That would be pretty cool. SOOOO... What's new with you? There was a giant storm down where I am... Oh and I might have broken my leg. But that storm was just crazy man!

WAS THAT LONG ENOUGH FOR YOU? HUH? HUH? HUH? You know who you are.  -.- 

I'll be here like 'A' in Pretty Litlle Liars.

THIS IS DEDICATED TO.... DRUMROLE... Ra-da-da-da-da..... @HisGirl4Ever_903 For her awesome comment where she read my brain.


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