Chapter 3

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Authors note: those who have read the house of night series will know that the poem in this chapter is not mine, but a Greek oral poet Hesiod from his famous Theogony. Comment and vote!

August 31, 2011

"Are you sure that it’s her brother?” Nigel asked, he was right I had found many women, and they had died in the process of becoming a vampire. “Brother, your spacing out again.” She must be different from the others. I thought, then faced Nigel.

“Sorry, I was just thinking,” I answered “Nigel do you remember the poem that I said to help you fall asleep.”

“Of course I do! There also stands the gloomy house of Night; ghastly clouds shroud it in darkness. Before it Atlas stands erect and on his head and unwearying arms firmly supports the broad sky, where Night and Day cross a bronze threshold and then come close and greet each other.”

I smiled. If he knows it by heart, then she remembers it! Of course you one line at a time until she says it completely with you. “Nigel you just gave me the best idea ever!”

He nodded and went to see what time it was by now she would have come home.


“Thanks for the party guys.” I waved bye to Anise and entered my house and came the little boy running into my uniform. “How long have you been awake?” I asked the boy, he just nuzzled my torso and smiled.

“Nigel leave her alone, she just got back and needs rest.” I saw the man in his red boxers, and a muscle shirt showing his eight-pack, triceps and biceps. His eyes were so black that they could pierce your heart, his long black hair covered his broad shoulders down to his lower back, and his husky voice was strong and wild.

“Okay.” The boy said and ran into the man.

“I’m sorry about that my brother can be a pain sometimes.”

“Wait, he’s your brother! He looks like you son!” I was shocked the man looked 24 but the kid was his brother!

“Our mother gave birth to him when I was twelve,  twelve years ago our parents died in an accident and I’m the only family he has.” He spoke with great sadness and guilt as if it was his fault. “I apologize we forgot to introduce ourselves, I am Cage Hunter and this is Nigel Hunter. We thank you for taking us in at notice.” They both bowed with grace and politeness.

“I am Andrea Massimo, it is a pleasure to meet you both.” I shook their hands, but my eyes met Cage’s and stayed that way for three minutes until Nigel’s stomach grumbled.

“Sorry, I forgot to eat hehe.”

I leaned down so I could see his purple eyes. “It’s okay, I’ll make something to eat.”

I could feel Cage’s eyes on me but I didn’t know where. “Nice panties, who knew you wore something to old for you.” I pulled up as fast as I could my face was a tomato by now in embarrassment. He may be good looking, but he’s a pervert. I thought, when I looked at his face he had a grin on it. I raised my hand to slap him, but his reflexes were quick that he grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him that his chest was against mine. “You shouldn’t do things that can get you hurt.” His free hand had my chin pulled up, I tried to resist but he was so strong and was hypnotizing me with his eyes.

“I understand, now let me go before I shoot your balls off.” He let go of me and was looking at my butt while I walked to the kitchen for no reason PERVERT! “Quit looking your eyes will burn, and you can’t touch.”

It sounded like he whimpered.

I entered the kitchen and saw Nigel playing with his hair. I got to the stove and started working my magic, I cut the onions, grilled the chicken and minced the mushrooms I saw Nigel start to drool as he smelled the aroma. Once it was reading his eyes widened with his hands saying gime! I warned him that it was hot, and he dug in his a mumbling this is the best thing I have ever tasted! I smiled, Anise knew I could cook and she was envious because of it but I took it away by teaching her how to make spaghetti. Soon Cage came in smelling the air.

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