We Will Always Love You

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🎶 Note : play the song while reading 🎶

🏥 At the Hospital 🏥

* they get to the hospital and see Maggie's mom sitting in the waiting room *

Maggie : mom what's going on?

Auntie : we was talking on the couch and she said she was light headed so I went to get some medicine and when I got back she was laying on the floor, I tried to wake her up but she wouldn't wake up so and that's how we got here

Dayla : what have the doctors said?

Auntie : they haven't told me anything yet

Jazmine : I hope she is okay she is like my mother too

Jacob : mine too

Maggie : I'm staying

Alex : me too I'm staying here for you baby

Maggie : oh mom this is Alex my new boyfriend

Alex : nice to meet you

Auntie : you too

* everyone sits down *

2 hours later

* a doctor came out to the waiting room *

Doctor : are y'all Sasha's family?

* everyone stands up *

Auntie : yea

Doctor : she is a strong lady

Dayla : can you tell us of she is ok?

Doctor : I'm sorry but she passed away, we tried everything we could

* everyone starts crying even Alex *

Auntie : what she say doc?

Doctor : she said someone named Dayla to move on without her but she is always with you

Dayla : I can't do this * running away *

Jacob : I got her * running after her *

🏥 Outside the Hospital 🏥

* Dayla was running not paying attention and almost got hit by a car *

Jacob : DAYLA!!!!!! * running and grabbing her *

* she was still crying *

Jacob : are you trying to kill yourself?

Dayla : Jacob I don't want to be here any more

Jacob : don't say that

Dayla : its true I don't want to be here if my mother isn't

* he hugs her tight *

Jacob : she wouldn't want that * crying * your only 17 you have your whole life to live with me

Dayla : I love you Jacob

My Bestfriend Part 1 : He's BackWhere stories live. Discover now