Drama High

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🌄 Next Day At Dayla's House 🌄

* Dayla wakes up and goes downstairs and see Elijah, Jazmine, and Jacob so she jumps and falls down the stairs *

Jacob : Dayla *running toward and helping her up * are you ok?

Dayla : yea I'm good * rubbing her head *

* Dayla looks at Elijah and Jazmine who was laughing at here *

Dayla : whats funny? * getting mad *

Jazmine : you fell down the stairs *laughing hard*

Elijah : right that was funny *laughing hard*

Dayla : Jazmine I don't know why you laughing, you fell and slid on some ice cream 2 days ago

Jazmine : *stop laughing* *mumbles* whatever

* Elijah looks at Jazmine and starts laughing harder *

Dayla : I don't know you laughing either Elijah because I searched you to see if you can rap then I saw a video when you was performing and fell off stage

Elijah : *stop laughing* that was just mean

* Jacob laughing hard *

Jacob : she dogged y'all

Jazmine : whatever get dress

Dayla : glad too

* Dayla does her daily routine and get dressed, she puts her orange belly shirt, white emoji joggers, and her orange and white converses *

Dayla: how y'all like? * walking downstairs *

Jacob : wow * staring at Dayla *

💭 Jacob's P.O.V. 💭

Wow Dayla looks so beautiful. She is so cute. If she looked like when we was little I would have dated her. What am I saying that is my best friend. Wait, do I like her?

💺 Dayla's Living Room 💺

* Dayla notice Jacob was staring at her again*

Jazmine : why is he staring at you like that?

Dayla : I don't know but that is how he was staring at me when -

Jazmine : when what?

Dayla : nothing

Jazmine : tell me now

Dayla : um when * looks at Elijah and see he was shaking his head * he started tickling me yesterday

Jazmine : yea ok * knowing she was lying *

Dayla : it's time to go so we need to -

Jazmine : I got these * walks over to Jacob and smacks him really hard across his face *

My Bestfriend Part 1 : He's BackWhere stories live. Discover now