You Lose and You Gain ☝

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Note : play the song when its only Dayla and Jacob (Beach)

🏫 Euclid Highschool 🏫

* The crew was at school in the lunch room and everything was going smoothly *

Jazmine : what y'all want to do today?

Elijah : I don't know Dayla?

Dayla : * playing with her food * I just want to chill by myself

Maggie : its been a week dang forget about him he is a jerk

Dayla : but I love him

Jazmine : wait you what?

Dayla : I love him

Justin : ( p.o.v. : yes I knew it ) its ok Dayla...

Dayla : I don't want to talk about this

Jazmine : why?

Dayla : because it will bring up stuff and I will just cry again and I'm tried of crying

* the bells rings and everyone leaves *

Jazmine : well I will see y'all later

Dayla : yea bye

Maggie : bye

* the girls go to class and the boys go to the bathroom *

🚽 Boys' Bathroom 🚽

* the boys walks in and see Jacob *

Jacob : so?

Justin : its going straight as planned

Jacob : really?

Elijah : yea she said she loves you

Jacob : wow

Justin : so that mean tonight will be easy

Jacob : yea I guess so

* they leave *

🏫 After School 🏫

* Jacob walks up to Amy *

Amy : hey baby * trying to sound sexy *

Jacob : (p.o.v. : she sound nasty ) hey

Amy : so what we doing?

Jacob : we chilling at my house

Amy : (p.o.v. : oh my gosh we always over there ) yay!!!! * rolling her eyes *

Jacob : are you ready?

Amy : yea sure let's go

* they leave and get to the house *

🏠 Boys' House 🏠

* when they walk in Elijah and Justin was in the dining room on there phones *

My Bestfriend Part 1 : He's BackWhere stories live. Discover now