Im Fat

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🏠 Boys' House 🏠

* Maggie was on the couch and Alex was rubbing her huge belly *

Maggie : I got so fat

Alex : no you haven't your perfect

Maggie : you just saying that

Alex : I know

* Maggie pushes him and Alex starts laughing *

Maggie : babe I'm hungry

Alex : your always hungry

Maggie : of course I'm feeding for 2 now

Alex : what you want?

Maggie : ice cream, hot sauce, pickles, a burger, salad, and cheese

Alex : I will just make a burger

Maggie : that works

Alex : yea

* Alex gets up and go to the kitchen to make Maggie a burger *

Dayla : * walking downstairs * dang Maggie you are huge!!!!!

Alex : don't get her started

Maggie : I can't wait until this baby is out of me

Dayla : do you know the gender of the baby?

Maggie : no we told the doctor not to tell us we want to be surprised

Dayla : ok cool

* Jazmine walks in with Lily *

Lily : hey Maggie and Dayla

Maggie : hey Lily

* Dayla rolled her eyes and go in the kitchen *

Jazmine : bae do you want anything?

Lily : no I'm fine

* they kiss and Jazmine goes to the kitchen *

Lily : wow that baby is going to be big * sitting next to Maggie *

Maggie : I can't wait

Lily : awe you can't wait for the little one first looking at you and knowing that's your baby

Maggie : no I can't wait until this baby is out of me so I can eat for one and lose all this weight

Lily : oh or that

* they laugh *

Lily : can I feel the baby?

Maggie : yea sure

* Lily puts her hand on Maggie's belly *

🍔🍟 Kitchen 🍔🍟

* Alex was cooking when Dayla came in there angry *

Alex : what's wrong?

Dayla : Jazmine brought Lily over here after we just in a fight about this

Alex : you have to be happy for her

Dayla : how can I be she lied about it?

Alex : actually she didn't lie she just didn't tell you

Dayla : oh so now you take her side?

Alex : no I'm just saying y'all should talk

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