Chapter 2

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Hey guys!!! Here's chapter 2!! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I bet nobody's reading this. Oh well. ~~~ Sam


I was starting the soundcheck for "EHC" and it was weird not singing with Taylor. I decided to do it anyways. The music began to play and I started to strum my guitar when all of the sudden I heard a voice singing" all I knew, this morning when I woke, is I know something I know something now I didn't before." I felt a huge smile on my face and remembered not to smile so big so that Taylor wouldn't catch on.

We finished the song together and let me just say, It was enchanting. Taylor ran over to me and yelled "surprise!" She gave me a huge hug and tbh I didn't wanna let go. She let go and said" hi! I'm Taylor! Sorry I'm known to be a hugger hahaha" her laugh was so adorable!"hi Taylor! I'm" "ED SHEERAN."she interrupted. " haha yep that's me!" I couldn't stop staring at Taylor. She was just so amazing.. STOP IT ED. SNAP OUT OF IT.

I shook my head violently and Taylor looked over very confused and said" Ed are you ok?" "Yea I'm fine. I thought something was in my hair..." " hahaha ohh Ed..." She sighed.


I never realized how adorable Ed was! He's so sweet! After the EHC soundcheck we walked to my dressing room and sat on the sofa and just chatted for a while.turns out that Ed is a huge cat person just like me! We both have a passion for music (obviously) and we both like the same artists!

We talked for what seemed like hours until my mom walked in and said "Taylor! 2 hours till show time!!!" I shot up and started jumping up and down. I was so excited! Ed still sat on the sofa and looked kind of nervous. " what's wrong Ed?" " I'm just a little nervous. That's all." He sighed. "Aw Ed! Don't be nervous! You'll be fine!!" "If you say so! What ever the princess says, goes!" He said and bowed down to me. I'm pretty sure I turned bright red. I think I might be falling for Ed sheeran...


Before we both knew it, It was time to start the show. Brett Eldridge was performing and he was actually pretty good. The nerves were getting to him the first couple of songs he sang but then after that he was getting into the groove of things.

Before I knew it, he was done performing and there was about 15 minutes before I had to go on. That's when the nerves kicked in. Taylor walked over towards me. "Hey Ed! Don't be nervous! You'll be fine! I believe in you!" She looked me straight in the eye,smiling.


I could tell Ed was nervous so I decided to go give him some words of encouragement. He's going to do fine but he won't believe me. I told him he would do fine and I looked him in the eye for what seemed like forever. His eyes are beautiful. I'm certain I'm falling for Ed. I'm falling for Edward Christopher Sheeran.


I got on the stage and the crowd went wild.its probably because they thought I was Taylor. But they were actually cheering for me! All 13,000 of them were cheering for me, Edward Sheeran. And it was the best feeling ever. After I finished performing I went backstage to find Taylor with a huge grin on her face.


I listened to Ed perform from backstage and he was amazing. His voice was so smooth and beautiful and hes so amazing. Ed finished performing and I waited for him backstage with a huge grin on my face. He came backstage and I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. "ED THAT WAS AMAZING!!!!" I yelled. "I'm so happy you thought so!!! I think it went quite well actually!" We pulled away from our long embrace and stood in front of eachother. We stared into each others eyes for a while and Ed leaned in.... "20 MINUTES TILL YOURE ON TAYLOR!!!!" We both jumped back immediately. "Uh good luck out there. It's a loud crowd tonight." "Ya thanks!...." "Well... I'm gonna go rest.." "Ya I'm just gonna go now.." And I ran away in panick.

ASDFGHJKL THE SWEERAN FEELS hahaa. Please leave feedback so I can see if you guys like it!!! If anyone is even reading this story... Oh and thanks for the vote!!!! Omgggg I love you! Hahah ~~~ Sam

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