Chapter 4

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AHHHH ANOTHER UPDATE YAY FOR YOUUU!!! Haha thanks for almost 60 reads guys!! That's insane. Ily all


In that moment I knew I had to ask her out.

Caitlin walked in and said"Tay-" "oh" and then walked out. "its ok princess it's ok..." she sniffled a few times and then looked up at me.

her eyes were all red and her mascara was all over her face. even though she was a disaster, she still looked flawless. "what's wrong love?" I asked her. "have you ever liked someone so much that it hurts? and then you think they like you back and it hurts even more? I don't even know any-"

and with that I smashed my lips onto hers. she was shocked at first but then she started kissing back. I felt electricity running through my veins.


I was ranting on and on to Ed when all the sudden I stopped talking. why?? I felt something soft and warm on my lips and I realized it was ed.

at first I was so shocked I didn't even know what was going on and then I started kissing back. it was so wrong but it felt so right. I felt sparks flying everywhere and I'm surprised the building DIDNT catch on fire.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and I snaked my arms around his neck. we kissed for what seemed like forever and then we both had to pull away to breathe. I looked at Ed who had the goofiest smile ever and I started cracking up.

"oh my gosh Ed you're hysterical" I laughed. "Tay, I know this is kinda early but.." he took a deep breath and all at once he said

"mysisterishavingawedddingpartyandiwantedtoknowifyouwouldgowithme." he said all at one time. "uh ed you're gonna have to say that again cause I didn't get a single word."

I replied very confused. "I said my sister is having a party because she's getting married and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" he asked his eyes full of hope.

"Of course" I replied smiling .

HAPPY DAY!! Haha Ted sweeeeeerrrannnnn <333333

Keep reading!! And comment too! I wanna get feedback!! Ily :*


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