Chapter 3!

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Hey guys!!! OMG YOU GUYS 49 READS?!?! I LOVE YOU! I HAVEN'T POSTED A CHAPTER SINCE I HAD 3 READS!! AHHHHH sorry haha so here's the update you've been waiting for :p


I ran away and thought to myself, "what just happened?!?!? I DID NOT ALMOST KISS ED SHEERAN!! I ran to my dressing room and did my last minute make up and ran off to the back of the stage.

I climbed up to the top of the stairs when I heard a "GOOD LUCK TAYLOR" coming from below me.

I looked down to find Ed winking at me. I smiled and turned around as I put in my ear plugs as the music started playing and the crowd went wild. The spotlight behind me turned on which displayed my silhouette behind the curtain and I everyone went crazy.

"I'm waking fast through the traffic lights," and everyone sang along. Then the curtain dropped and everyone screamed even louder if that's even possible.

I finished singing all the opening songs such as red, holy ground, 22 all those songs, and I was on my way to the b stage! I decided tonight I would sing "superstar".

I grabbed my guitar and started playing "superstar" and saw Ed below me looking up at me with those sparkling eyes. "I'm no one special, just another wide eyed girl whose desperately in love with you" I sang and looked Ed straight in the eye.

Just then I felt a tear stream down my face. Shit. I wiped it away quickly and finished the song and then Ed came in stage to play EHC with me.

After the show I ran to my dressing room and started crying. Soon enough, they turned into sobs and I felt like I couldn't breathe. Just then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I turned around to find ed.

"Don't cry princess. It's ok." I sobbed even harder. "It's ok..." He whispered in my ear.


after the show I was on a mission to find taylor. I had no idea where she was or where she went.

I was walking by her dressing room when I heard sobs coming from behind the door. I ran inside and wrapped my arms around her. "It's ok.." I whispered. "It's ok....."

SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!!! I haven't updated in forever and I apologize. I've been so busy lately with school and all! Thanks for being patient! Please comment and tell me what you think!!!!!! Luv ya :*


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