The Cost of Losing a Friend

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Doc wasn't at the hospital when they went to go talk to him but the receptionist said he'd left for the day. Katie and Evan were too exhausted to care at this point that they decided it was a good time to head home. As the snow begun to fall again, Katie had inched ever so closer to her companion in hopes he'd welcome her but his face was hollow.

"You gonna be alright?" Her voice seemed to pierce the cold as he glanced over at her.

For once, Evan wasn't sure how to reply for his eyes just seemed to go directed to the cement below him. There were some heavy weights inside of him and every step he took just got worse. He knew couldn't just lie to Katie but half of him wanted to. He already missed Lui as he just walked away from them after Katie had asked for his assistance, saying he had places to be. But it was already too late for him to return what he said had happened to Craig.

I'll kill them all. He would say to himself, nearly hard to miss under the circumstance. Katie had watched him since the moment he got here and that darkening look on his face was making her nauseous. But just like Dean was, hiding the feelings was always in their job description and Evan was the same way. Only glimpses would come out every so often and she wasn't sure what to expect of him.

Please don't do anything stupid, Evan. I can't lose you.


It was long, stressful dinner as Evan seemed uninterested. He would crumble onto the couch without a word. It was unlike him, he had a gamer's stomach which meant anything in the cabinet sounded awesome to him but tonight nothing did. Katie knew he was just filling with grief as his confidence plummeted. She only glances down at her plate, a slice of greasy pepperoni pizza mocking her.

Evan loves pizza. But he still was unwilling to take a bite, even if Katie force feed him. This remained for a month. Evan would lazily remain on the couch for most of it, his eyes expressing absolutely nothing when she ventured to sit beside him. She would even tempt him by resting his feet on her lap but still no reaction.

Katie was starting to get annoyed by the time it reached a month. She would always come down, stand in front of him and lecture him. "What are you doing? You have to at least eat, you'll starve. If you die, it is your own fault! So screw you, Evan! Hope your organs just die!" It was the only thing she felt she could do for him until he broke down.

One morning, she had headed downstairs to find the couch empty. As she turned the corner towards the kitchen, she found Evan hunched over a massive pile of food in front of the fridge. It seemed like everything that was once in the appliance was littered all over the floor, from eggs to the cold chicken legs from a few nights ago. When she approached him, he made a low rumbling sound that made her winch. He acted like a wild animal scavenging for any food he could find and it frightened her a bit as she backed off.

He would collapse into a food coma an hour later, completely unconscious and unaware of what was around him. Katie had managed to throw him on one of beds upstairs as she returned to the kitchen, ready to clean. By the time it was spotless again, she would watch some TV and made sure to check him every so often. It was quiet when she entered the room, feeling for him in the dark as she placed her hand close to his face. Relief rose in her once she felt the slight breathing on her hand.

Evan was out for a good day and half before he awoke with a start. Panting, he'd look around the room, realizing he was on a bed in the dark somewhere. He on instinct hit the bathroom first once the need hit him before heading downstairs. He'd stop in the hallway, remembering Katie's room being at the end of the hall. Glancing around the room finding no Katie, he turned back to the stairs heading down them.

"Katie?" He whispered distinctly as she popped up in front of him.

"Evan. How are you feeling?" She asked, not being very fond of the stench rising from him.

"Ok I guess. How long have I been out?"

"About a day and a half." She replied instantly.

The stench would hit him too as he lifted his arm to meet a nasty whiff. "Yeah, I can tell. Might be a good idea to take a shower, huh?"

Katie nodded. "I think that is an excellent idea."

She watched as he headed back up the stairs. He would disappear into the first door on the left. Katie was relieved to see him walking around again, remembering that he was a douche for sometime before deciding to go midnight snacking and passing out. At least he is talking to me again. He'd reappear again twenty minutes later, feeling much more refreshed.

Katie was sending him some weird signals when she finally looked over and smiled. "What?"

"Nothing." She replied simply, returning to the stove. "Ready to eat?"

"Yeah, I'm starving."

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