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"Katie?" Said a voice outside of her somewhere. "Katie? Are you alright? Katie, wake up!" Her eyes flew open as she let out a gasp. She was outside the factory again, the place where they were jumped when she looked around clueless at first until a hand reached out to her. "Here, I'll help you up." The voice said again as she took it and was pulled up.

It was the Colonel, his police jacket over his uniform as he smiled brightly. "Colonel?" Katie said just as he pulled her in close.

"Oh thank god. I am glad we've found you." He replied when Katie sobs were muffled into his jacket.

She would move out to meet his gaze. "Wait, we?"

"Yeah, Lui came and found me. He hadn't heard from Evan in almost four days. He thought somethin' happened to you two."

Realization came back to her as she pushed herself away. "Oh my god, Evan—he was infected—where—"

The Colonel cut her off. "Katie, you need to relax. You got hit pretty hard. Just a take a second and breath."

Katie let out a slow breath. "I'm sorry, it's just—god what the hell has happened?"

"I would know if you told me. What did happen?" But he decided against it a second later. "You know what? Why don't we head down to the hospital in town? We can talk there and get you checked out as well."

"Yeah but—what about Evan?"

"At the moment he is talkin' and walkin'. I'll take you to him once we head home. Sound good?" Katie nodded. "Good. Then let us head out, we'll drive home once a doctor sees you and gives the ok."


"How did you find me by the way?" Katie would ask as they passed the welcome sign to Nevada City.

"Used one of your guys' tricks—hacked your cell phone's GPS. Lui followed Evan's while I followed yours. Somehow you two go separated along the way."

"So I assume that Lui found him?"

The Colonel nodded. "Yup, he wasn't looking all that great either. He said he looked awfully pale than he usually was but still talkin' and knew who he was."

"It is probably the virus." Katie replied, looking down at her feet.

The Colonel raised his brow. "The virus? You mean that damn W1 virus that we were all so scared of?"

Katie reluctantly nodded. "Yes. I am sure Doc has found pieces of it already in his blood." She knew there was a worst matter to come.

"You know how the virus works, right? Maybe he won't have to be in quarantine for the rest of his life then." The Colonel reassured her.

Katie shook her head. "I only know some parts of how it works. It generally makes the person sicker over time, I know that. And it can mock anything from the flu to full-on cancer."

"You seem the most worried about that." The Colonel commented after glancing in his rear-view mirror.

"I can't lose him, Colonel." She would say, meeting his gaze. "He is the last thing I got besides Sarah. And I know I can't get her back."

The sheriff couldn't believe what he just heard. "Don't say such things. We'll figure out how to get Sarah but for now, we have bigger things to worry about."

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